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The home of the Teddy Bear Festival



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March Special Meeting    Chairmans Report






17 JUNE 2015



Present:  Councillors Betts, Getley, Howe-Li-Rocchi, Mellor, Perkins, Rev’d May and District Cllr Bill Smith. Also present were six members of the public and locum clerk to the parish council, Anne Rayner.


15079. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

Members of the public were given an opportunity to raise any issues they may have. As the only item for discussion related to an ongoing planning application, it was agreed to include these comments with the planning items on the agenda.


15080. Apologies for absence. Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Simpson and Banks.


15081.  To consider any applications for co-option to the parish council. Cllr Betts reported that Gemma Snelling was interested in co-option, however, as she was not present this would be discussed another time.


15082. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


15083. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 20 May 2015. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed without alteration.


15084. To report matters arising not on the agenda. Cllr Betts reported that he had spoken to Paul Sellick (Highways engineer) to ask about surveyors who had recently been observed on Long Street. Paul was not aware of any reason for surveyors to be there.




Planning ref: 3PL/2015/0611/F

Location: 4 Chequers Lane, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Brierley

Erection of detached bungalow and garage with access via existing vehicular access


Councillors had no objections to this application, with a note that an adequate level of visibility must be maintained.


Planning ref: 3PL/2015/0530/F

Location: Sycamore House, Bow Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Lee Devlin

1.5 storey extension to dwelling.


Councillors had no objections to this application.


Planning ref: 3PL/2015/0616/F

Location: 3 Nelsons Loke, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mrs Liza Firmage

Garage extension and part extension to en-suite, internal alterations to create ground floor bedroom.


Councillors had no objections to this application.


Planning ref: 3PL/2015/0557/F

Location: Rookery Cottages, Watton Road, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr & Mrs Ewin

Replace conservatory with two storey extension, add first floor over existing extension, loft conversion & creation of front entrance porch.


Councillors had no objections to this application.


At this point, the meeting was suspended to allow members of the public to comment on the planning application by Orbit Homes for 39 houses.

This application was discussed at some length, with the main points being:

·         Obvious flaws in the proposed sites for crossings

·         Planning is short-sighted – filter lanes will be needed in the not too distant future

·         The large radius shown around the school is not currently reflected in the layout of the highway

·         A planning application was denied in 2008 on the grounds that an additional access on the Attleborough Road was not sustainable.

·         Parishioners present generally felt the layout of the proposed site to be very poor

·         Parishioners asked is a site meeting with Graham Worsfield (NCC Highways) could be arranged in order that their concerns can be put directly to him.


District Councillor Bill Smith advised that any neighbourhood plan adopted by parish councils would be overridden by a local plan adopted by the District Council.


Cllr Howe-Li-Rocchi suggested identifying alternative land for development in more appropriate locations. It was resolved that Cllr Betts would write to the planning department objecting again to the Orbit Homes proposed development and summarising all points already discussed.


There being no further comments from the public, the meeting was resumed.


15081. To consider any applications for co-option to the parish council. As Gemma was now present at the meeting, it was agreed to return to this item. Cllr Betts introduced Gemma and, following discussion, it was unanimously agreed to co-opt Gemma to Great Ellingham Parish Council. Cllr Snelling signed the declaration of acceptance of office and took her place with the other Councillors.


15086. To consider and note correspondence received:





All noted.





15087. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date.  The Chairman reported on the current financial state. The financial statements, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.


15088. To approve and agree the following payments:


Chq no






Anne Barnes

Internal audit fee



E Ground

May 2015 salary




Clerk tax Apr May Jun 2015




Annual subscription



The above payments were approved and cheques duly signed.


15089. To agree whether a defibrillator should be purchased for the village. The Chairman reported that he has registered the parish council’s interest with the British Heart Foundation. The cost to the parish council would be £400 for a public access defibrillator. Following discussion, it was resolved to pursue the provision of a defibrillator for the village.


15090. To discuss the possibility of setting up a Youth Council for Great Ellingham. Cllr Howe-Li-Rocchi said that his aim was to engage with young people aged between 16 – 19 to encourage an active interest in decisions and the future of the village. It may be that participation in events or attendance at parish council meetings could assist with student qualifications and he proposed making contact with the headmaster of Attleborough Academy to gain their insight. Cllr Perkins asked to ensure that the young people in the village who were not in further education were included. It was agreed that Cllr Howe-Li-Rocchi would contact the school as an initial step.


15091. To accept matters of information from Councillors. Cllr Getley – advised that Dennis Leech is to take over the grass cutting. Rev’d May reported back from the last SNAP meeting and confirmed “no cold calling” stickers are available from the police, cones will be provided by the police, if necessary, for the teddy bear festival and also wildlife issues (such as the removal of hedgerows in the nesting season) should be reported to PCSO Helen Maxwell. Cllr Mellor reported dishing / subsidence on Attleborough Rd leading out of the village and also suggested a defibrillator (if obtained) be included on the parish council’s insurance policy. Cllr Perkins reported a dog fouling problem on Mill Lane and also further issues with cold callers.


15092. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. No further issues to add.


15093. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 15th July 2015, to be held at the Recreation Centre. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 9.15pm.


20th May 2015



Present:  Councillors Betts, Getley, Howe-Li-Rocchi, Simpson, Mrs Banks, Rev’d May and Mrs Perkins. Twenty-five members of the public, the District Councillor Bill Smith, County Councillor Cliff Jordan and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


15060. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters. The Parish Council were told that the Pyghtle area had, in the past, won an award from Breckland Council for being a nature area and disappointment was expressed regarding the recent planting  in this area on the grounds that the species that had been chosen were felt to be “non-native” plants. The Parish Council agreed that a couple of the shrubs planted at the waters’ edge were inappropriate and agreed that these should be moved, but felt overall the area needed tidying up and had been improved for public enjoyment.

The Parish Council were asked if they could look at making Great Ellingham a “no cold-calling” zone following a recent incident where some cold callers were seen trying people’s doors if they were not in. Resolved: Rev’d May agreed to raise this issue at the next SNAP meeting with the Clerk to find out how a Parish may be designated a no cold-calling area.

There were some queries regarding the damage to the village following the recent sewerage work, Cllr Betts confirmed that Barhale have been back to re-seed verges and that remedial work will be carried out along Shruggs Lane. The roads were due to be top-dressed but this has now been postponed until next year due to lack of resources. The ditch at the end of Penhill Lane continues to be a problem; it was hoped that once everyone is connected to mains drainage this problem may resolve itself; if not the Parish Council will look again to see what they can do.


15061. To elect a Chairman for the year 2015/16. Rev’d May proposed Cllr Betts, this was seconded by Cllr Getley and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form was duly signed.


15062. To elect a Vice-Chairman for the year 2015/16.  Cllr Simpson proposed Cllr Getley, this was seconded by Mrs Banks and the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form was duly signed.


15063. Apologies for absence.  Apologies were received from Cllr Mellor.


15064. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. Mrs Banks declared an interest in item 15070 on the agenda: Appeal re Bow Street, Great Ellingham, ref 3PL/2014/0745/O as she lives in the neighbouring property.


15065. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 15th April 2015. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


15066. To report matters arising not on the agenda – for information only.  The Clerk reminded Councillors that their Register of Interest forms need to be completed and returned to her for submission to Breckland Council by 4th June.

The damaged manhole cover on the Hingham Road had been reported to Highways who confirmed that it belongs to BT and that they have referred this to them for repair.

A letter had been sent to the headteacher of the Primary School requesting that the lights be switched off/dimmed at night; as yet there has been no reply.

The Clerk had also reported the inconsiderate parking at Chequers Green to Norfolk Police and enquiries were ongoing regarding the possibility of a litter bin for the Deopham War Memorial site.

It was also agreed that co-option notices be posted regarding the Councillor vacancy.


15067. To receive the Chairman’s Report. Cllr Betts updated the Parish Council regarding the Orbit Homes planning application confirming that he had submitted a letter and dvd highlighting safety issues at the staggered junction by the school to both Breckland and Norfolk County Council. Orbit Homes have yet to submit their third revision to the plans but when they do the Parish Council will be given a further opportunity to comment.

Cllr Betts also confirmed that he had been in touch with Norfolk County Council regarding the poor state of the footpaths; these to be cut in June this year.

It was suggested that a public access defibralator could be installed in the village: the Clerk to put this on the agenda for the next meeting.

Cllr Betts thanked Rev’d May and the Scout Group and other volunteers for all their hard work in planting up the Pyghtle.

Cllr Betts also thanked the Clerk, who is resigning, for all her services to the Parish Council over the past few years.


15068.  To receive the District Councillor’s Report.  Cllr Smith confirmed that the new ward is officially “All Saints and Wayland” and both he and Phillip Cowan will be getting together to divide up the area between them. A decision should be made later this year regarding the possibility of West Carr becoming part of Great Ellingham Parish. Cllr Betts to write to the Chief Executive regarding this matter.

County Cllr Jordan confirmed that he has been liaising with Graham Worsfold at NCC Highways regarding road safety at the junction by the Primary School and will try and help the Parish Council with this.



To consider planning applications received:


Planning ref: 3PL/2015/0487/F

Location: Church Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Justin & Simon Wilkins

Development of 11 new homes


Whilst there were some concerns regarding the visibility splay off the B1077 Councillors felt that this was a sensible use of the land and agreed to support this application.


Planning ref: 3PL/2015/0415/F

Location: GB Commercials, Attleborough Road, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mrs Angela Brown

Demolition of existing buildings and sub-division of the garden for erection of 5no.houses with associated access and parking.


Overall Councillors had no objections to this application provided that the privacy of neighbours is maintained and that Highways properly consider the safety aspects of the exit/access to the site.


Planning ref: 3PL/2015/0441/F

Location: Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mrs A Browne

Erection of 12 new dwellings with associated garages and parking. Three new Highways accesses. Public open space.


There were mixed feelings from neighbours and parishioners regarding this application, with some feeling that this would mean the loss of a large green space for the village and a loss of privacy to neighbours whilst others approved the designs and the offer of an open space for the village, and felt that there was a good mix of houses within the proposed development. Councillors would have liked more time to consider their response but Breckland Council had turned down the Parish Council’s request for an extension to reply. After some debate Councillors decided to support this application.

The Parish Council heard from Sarah Roberts, the architect for the development, who asked for Councillors help in addressing in how they would like to see the community land being used. Councillors would prefer the land to be directly under Parish Council ownership with further discussions needed regarding the maintenance and upkeep of the area, as well as how the space would be used by the village, with suggestions that a commuted sum could be paid directly to the Parish Council to help pay for this. It was also confirmed that this area of land was never originally a designated green space. Sarah Roberts confirmed that the landowner will work with the village to try and resolve any issues that may arise.


15070. To consider and note correspondence received:



·           Bill Smith – forwarding email from Breckland Council stating the current position regarding monies recovered that were deposited with Icelandic banks. Noted.

·           Bill Smith – confirming local green space designation for Great Ellingham. Noted.

·           South Norfolk Council -South Norfolk Local Plan: Proposed Main Modifications and Sustainability Appraisal – comments due by 5 June. Noted.

·           Various e-mails between Carey Moore and Deopham Parish Council, Breckland Council and George Freeman. Cllr Betts confirmed that he had invited George Freeman to talk to the Parish Council about development.

·           Breckland Council – updated information regarding Open Space and Play Space Provision and Improvement. Noted.

·           Appeal re Bow Street, Great Ellingham, ref 3PL/2014/0745/O – Mr Barrie Hall. Mrs Banks left the room whilst this was discussed. It was agreed that the Parish Council’s previous comments should still stand and no further comments were needed.



·           Bill Smith – forwarding press release re Winslow’s neighbourhood plan.

·           Glenn Stanley (resident) asking for permission to cut trees back by his property (reported to Norfolk County Council as believe they own these trees).

·           Outstanding projects wanted for CPRE Norfolk Awards.

·           Bill Smith – Reporting on District Councillor election results.






15071. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state. Since the last meeting the following transactions had taken place:



Norfolk County Council – 50% partnership bid share - £1,764.35

Society of Local Council Clerks –£77

Mr Dennis Leech – Church clock winding £60

Mr Robert Ewin – Annual allotment rent - £390

Great Ellingham Recreation Centre – Annual Grant - £1,500

Great Ellingham PCC – Annual Grant - £500


The financial statements were approved.



15072. To approve and agree the following payments:


Mrs E Ground – Salary & exps q/e 30 April 2015 - £389.29

HMRC – PAYE/NIC - £96.51


The above payments were approved and cheques duly signed.


15073. To approve the Financial Statements and the Annual Return for the year ending 31.03.2015. These were approved.


15074.  To discuss the recent Neighbourhood Planning meeting. Cllr Betts and Rev’d May reported on the recent meeting they had attended. It was confirmed that funding is available to help develop a neighbourhood plan, although Breckland Council are not supportive as they are currently developing their Local Plan. One of the Attleborough Councillors who is also a professional town planner and has been helping Attleborough Council develop a plan has offered to give a talk to Great Ellingham Councillors regarding this. Resolved: Rev’d May to invite Mr Tyrer along to a meeting.


15075. To allocate Councillors’ responsibilities for the coming year. Duties were allocated as follows:

Mrs Banks – Fixed Assets

Cllr Betts -  Highways and planning.

Rev’d May – SNAP representative

Cllr Mellor – Planning and Internal Audit.

Mrs Perkins – Environment and Primary School.

Cllr Simpson – Town and Parish Council Forum meetings representative.

Cllr Howe-Li-Rocchi – Youth Council development and Recreation Centre.

Cllr Mellor – Internal audit



15076. To accept matters of information from Councillors. It was reported that the number of signs being put up opposite the school junction are increasing again and may be distracting to drivers. The Clerk to ask for these to be taken down.

              One of Roger Warnes’ large lorries was seen travelling up Long Street, the Clerk to write to Roger Warnes to remind them that HGV’s are prohibited from using this route. It was also reported that some drivers are using their mobile phones whilst driving. The Clerk to get in touch with Suggett Farm Services to report this.

 A parishioner had been informed that surveyors were looking at whether the Long Street road could be widened; Cllr Betts to investigate.

It was reported that the footpath opposite the Primary School that runs from the village to the Recreation Centre is getting worse, with mobility scooters having to be driven on the road instead. The Clerk to ask Highways to look at this as a matter of urgency.

Rev’d May reported on the recent planting at the Pyghtle saying that it had already brought people together with many volunteers helping out. A meadow mix had been planted, teasels and plants specifically to attract bees.

The Clerk was asked to request a new rubbish bin to be reinstated in the layby near Mellor Metals, as well as to enquire about a new bin for the Jan Gambling memorial bench near the Methodist Church.


15077. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. There was no business under this heading.


15078. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 17th June 2015, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 10.05pm.



15 April 2015



Present:  Cllr Betts (Chair), Mrs Banks, Cllr Getley, Rev’d May, Cllr Mellor, Mrs Perkins and Cllr Simpson. District Cllr Bill Smith, three members of the public and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


15048. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

The Parish Council were asked for an update regarding the Orbit Homes planning application. It was confirmed that there have been further discussions between Highways and Breckland District Council, and that revised plans are due to be submitted by Orbit Homes. Great Ellingham Parish Council as a consultee should have an opportunity to make further comments on the revised plans. If the application is called in the Parish Council will be able to attend.

There were some queries regarding whether planning staff work for Breckland Council; it was confirmed that although the planning department is outsourced to Capita their employees work on behalf of Breckland Council.

There was some discussion regarding the provision of “open space” within the village. Cllr Betts confirmed that it is a requirement for all villages to have some “open space” for public enjoyment. Within the Orbit Homes application there is provision for this. Cllr Smith pointed out that open space provision does not apply to just any piece of land, the Government has a formula for calculating open space provision and it has to be planned for. Great Ellingham currently has a shortage of open space.

It was reported that some cars have been obstructing the pavement on Chequers Green, making it difficult for anyone in a wheelchair to pass.The Clerk to contact Norfolk Police to ask them if they can help with resolving this problem.

There were also complaints that the Primary School lights are left on during the evening even when the school is unoccupied. The Clerk to write to the Headteacher to ask if the lights can be turned off or switched to motion sensor mode when the school is not in use.


15049. Apologies for absence. Cllr Elvin sent his apologies.


15050. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


15051. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 18 March 2015. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


15052. To report matters arising not on the agenda. The Clerk reported that there had been a couple of enquiries regarding the Clerk vacancy but no formal applications.  The Clerk to approach Norfolk Association of Local Councils to see if it a locum might be available to fill this position until the vacancy is filled.

Breckland Council have confirmed that they own the trees on the green off Rectory Lane and that they will sort the problem with the tree bearing down on the telephone lines.

Rev’d May had been successful in obtaining a “Spring Clean” grant from Breckland Council for the cost of planting flowers on the Pyghtle.




Planning ref: 3PL/2015/0247/F

Location: Aldine, Town Green, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Paul Sheffield

To remove and replace existing building on back of annexe


Councillors had no objections to this application.


Planning ref: 3PL/2015/0195/F

Location: 18, Home Close, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Alister Donald

Demolition of lean-to garage & replace with two storey extension incorporating non-garage.


Councillors had no objections to this application.



15054. To consider and note correspondence received:










15055. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state. The financial statements, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.


15056. To approve and agree the following payments:

Payments to be approved:

Norfolk County Council – 50% partnership bid share - £1,764.35

Society of Local Council Clerks –£77

Mr Dennis Leech – Church clock winding £60

Mr Robert Ewin – Annual allotment rent - £390

Great Ellingham Recreation Centre – Annual Grant - £1,500

Great Ellingham PCC – Annual Grant - £500


The above payments were approved and cheques duly signed.


15057. To accept matters of information from Councillors. The Clerk to contact Breckland Council to see if they will give permission for a litter bin to be installed by the war memorial, this to help prevent littering in this area.

Rev’d May reported on the “Spring Clean” grant saying that several volunteers had offered to come along to help with the planting, with the Allotment Society, Chit-Chat Club and Scouts all offering to help out in some way.


15058. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. Cllr Betts reported that Barhale have now finished work, and letters have gone out to residents about linking up to the system; however as some residents had not received these letters, Cllr Betts had been in touch with Anglian Water.

It was reported that the support around the manhole cover opposite No.1 Hingham Road has broken up; the Clerk to report this to Highways.


15059. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 20th May 2015, to be held at the Recreation Centre. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 9.15pm.


18 March 2015



Present:  Councillor Betts (Chair), Mrs Banks, Howe-Li-Rocchi, Rev’d May, Mrs Perkins and Councillor Simpson. The District Councillor, Bill Smith, County Councillor Cliff Jordan, eighty-three members of the public, and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


15033. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

Councillor Betts welcomed everyone to the Open Forum, with it being confirmed that residents had attended to discuss the proposed Orbit Homes planning application. Cllr Betts asked for a show of hands from those residents in favour of the proposed development submitted by Orbit Homes; five of the eighty-three residents raised their hands in support. The main reasons cited for supporting the development were to meet demand for affordable housing for people wanting to remain in the village, in particular younger residents, the hope that an increase in housing would help ensure the survival of the village shop and concerns that other groups such as the Great Ellingham Pre-School won’t survive without an increase in numbers attending.

The Parish Council also heard residents’ concerns regarding the proposed development; the main reasons being: fear of losing village community and community spirit, lack of infrastructure within the village to support such an increase in housing, road safety concerns on the Attleborough and Hingham roads and junctions, poor transport links, fear that the development will set a precedent for further “large-scale” developments within the village, and that the proposed houses are out of character with the rest of the village. There were also concerns that as Breckland Council don’t have a five year housing land-bank and the Local Plan is yet to be finalised, the village is vulnerable to similar applications from developers with government payments to Councils now directly linked to the number of houses built. District Cllr Smith pointed out however that despite the presumption in favour of building houses planning permission would not be granted in a situation where the adverse effects were shown to outweigh the benefits.

Cllr Betts explained that the Parish Council had objected to the first Orbit Homes planning application, with a second application being submitted but then withdrawn. A third revised application is due to be submitted which, once received, the Parish Council will review and make comment. Cllr Betts also explained that the Parish Council are not against development in the village, but would prefer to see more sympathetic smaller developments within the 30 & 40mph zones of the village, excluding the Hingham Road, due to safety concerns. Parishioners were asked if they would be in favour of smaller housing developments within these zones, of approximately 12 houses or less; the vast majority voted in favour (over 75% of those present).

The Parish Council were asked why Capita (acting for Breckland Council) had advised Orbit Homes regarding the number of houses they should apply for, previous to the planning application being submitted. District Councillor Smith explained that Breckland Council officers regularly discuss planning applications with developers prior to submission and that this is a normal part of the planning process and is what the Government require Councils to do.

There was some discussion regarding the need for affordable housing within the village, it being noted that smaller developments of five houses or less would not trigger a requirement to provide affordable housing. County Cllr Cliff Jordan also pointed out that with smaller developments there will be less amenity land provided for children to play on.

Parish Councillors spoke of the need to look forward and to consider younger generations coming forward and how people would like the village to evolve. It was confirmed that the Chairman of the Parish Council had met with Orbit Homes to discuss the application, making it clear that the Parish Council objected to the development, whilst looking to secure a “planning gain” for the village should the application be approved despite the Parish Council’s objections.

Cllr Betts thanked residents for sharing their views in a courteous manner, and hoped that everyone felt they’d had a chance to have their say.





15034. Apologies for absence. Cllr Elvin, Mellor and Getley sent their apologies.


15035. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


15036. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 18 February 2015. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


15037. To report matters arising not on the agenda. The Clerk reported that there had only been one application in respect of the Clerk’s vacancy which had been withdrawn due to the lady being offered the Little Ellingham Clerk post. The Clerk to advertise this position again.

It was confirmed that, following measures taken by the Recreation Committee, issues regarding the lighting seem to have been resolved. Councillors were reminded of the forthcoming elections and to ensure nomination papers are submitted by the 9th April latest at 4pm.

The Partnership bid submitted to Norfolk County Council had been successful, final details to be sent to the Clerk.

The Clerk had spoken with BT regarding the Horse Chestnut trees in the middle of the green off Rectory Lane in danger of damaging the phone lines. BT had confirmed that unless residents’ connectivity has been affected they will not take action; this is down to the owner of the land on which the trees stand. The Clerk to speak to Norfolk County Council to see if they own this land.

Councillors were also reminded of the Annual Parish Meeting; the Clerk to invite all village groups to attend.


15038. To receive the Chairman’s Report.  The Chairman updated the Parish Council regarding mains sewerage, saying that Barhale have now finished work, apart from some repair work which will be carried out in the Spring, to include re-seeding. Unfortunately the system can’t be commissioned until BT has installed the phone line. Anglian Water will let the Parish Council know when they can do this.

It was reported that commuted sums are available from Breckland Council to use for play or sport within the village. The Clerk to contact village groups to see if they can use these monies.


15039.  To receive the District Councillor’s Report.  There was no business under this heading; however details had been received electronically.



Planning ref: 3PL/2015/0104/O

Location: Shiloh, Deopham Road, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Colin Hales

Outline planning permission for a two storey detached dwelling


Parish Councillors had no objections to this application but asked that access should be via the existing right of way.


15041. To consider and note correspondence received:









15042. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state. The financial statements, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.


15043. To appoint the Internal Auditor for the 2015/16 financial year. It was agreed to appoint Anne Barnes.


15044. To approve and agree the following payments:

       Neil Thomas – Tree surgery work - £550

Came & Company – Insurance renewal - £357.62 (3 year agreement)

Mrs E Ground – Salary & expenses q/e 31 Jan 2015 - £394.88

Mr D Roberts – grass cutting - £84


The above payments were approved and cheques duly signed.


15045. To accept matters of information from Councillors. It was reported that parking is difficult on Home Close due to drivers leaving their cars on the road. The Parish Council to write to residents.

Mill Lane residents have also complained about inconsiderate parking by some drivers at school drop off/pick up times. The Clerk to chase up the Primary School to see if they can issue a reminder.


15046. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. There was no business under this heading.


15047. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 15th April 2015, starting with the Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Parish Council meeting. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 9.00pm.

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21 JANUARY 2015



Present:  Councillor Betts (Chair), Mrs Banks, Elvin, Getley, Howe-Li-Rocchi, Mrs Perkins and David Simpson. The District Councillor, Bill Smith, eleven members of the public, and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


15001. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

The Parish Council were asked whether they would be responding to the revised planning application in respect of the Attleborough Road development; this was discussed under item 15008. It was noted that a proposal for large scale development in Mattishall had just been turned down. George Freeman MP had said that he would be contacting the Parish Council stating that development should not be “developer-led” but should instead be led by Parish Councils.

The Parish Council were told that have been more incidents of speeding along Long Street. Rev’d May to raise this at the next SNAP meeting.

There were also complaints regarding the amount of flyposting in the village, as well as the increasing amount of signage, particularly outside Aldercarr Hall. The Clerk to contact BT to ask if it can remove the numerous posters which have been left on telegraph poles and to speak to Paul Sellick at Norfolk Highways to see what can be done about the amount of signage.


15002. Apologies for absence. County Cllr Cliff Jordan, Rev’d May and Cllr Mellor sent their apologies.


15003. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


15004. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 17 December 2014. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


15005. To report matters arising not on the agenda. The Clerk had reported the laying water on the outskirts of the village on the Hingham Road to Highways but nothing appeared to have been done. The Clerk to chase this up. Highways have promised to send out an inspector to look at the fading speed limit signs but confirmed that there are currently no plans to replace them. The Parish Council had resubmitted their original comments in response to the license application from GB Commercials, confirming that they have no evidence of a scrap metal business having operated from this site for the period in question. So far the Parish Council have had one volunteer come forward in response to the Community Speedwatch scheme.


15006. To receive the Chairman’s Report.  Cllr Betts reported that he met with both NCC Highways and with Barhale to walk through the village with a view to ensuring that any damage will be rectified. There were several verges which were identified as needing treatment; the contractors will return in the Spring to re-seed these areas. The Pumping Station is due to be commissioned shortly and everyone who wants to connect to mains sewerage has been sent a letter informing them not to connect until they are invited to do so.

On another note the Breckland Roofing site application has been approved with the developer donating a sum for affordable housing.  Cllr Betts suggested that he and District Cllr Smith go back to Breckland Council to try and ensure this funding is provided directly for the village, rather than it being used elsewhere. Councillors were all in favour of this proposal.


15007.  To receive the District Councillor’s Report.  Bill Smith, District Councillor, reported that

the annual audit of Breckland Council had been carried out and was pleased to say that no problems were identified. The anti-fraud procedures were also given a green light.

The Local Plan Consultation closed on the 9th January and all submissions will now be considered. If all goes well Breckland should be able to put a plan in to place in 2016.




Planning ref: 3PL/2014/1366/F

Location: 68, Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Tim Davidge

Land to the rear of 68 Long Street & on paddock to the south.


Councillors had no objections to this application, but requested that the window of

the 5th bedroom to be opaque to protect a neighbour’s privacy.


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0683/F

Location: Land at Attleborough Road, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Orbit Homes               

Residential development for 39 dwellings (Revised scheme)


The Clerk reported that the Parish Council have until after the February meeting to reply to this

 application, however it was confirmed that a further revised application is currently being drawn up

which will supersede this one. District Cllr Smith reported that he felt that there had been

a shift in opinion by Breckland officers who had previously intimated that the application was

unacceptable on this site and there now appeared to be a possibility, that this development could

be approved. It was noted that the Parish Council’s original objections still stand in respect of the

revised application, however Councillors were reminded that it is not within their powers to stop

this development. With that in mind Cllr Betts, District Cllr Smith and County Cllr Jordan had met with

Orbit Homes with a view to ensuring that if the development were to go ahead, the Parish Council

would try to mitigate any damage to the community, for example requesting that the area of Open

Space is positioned on the corner of the Hingham and Attleborough Road to provide flexibility for

a possible re-routing of the junction in the future, or to provide additional parking for the Primary

School. The Parish Council also felt that whilst they should do everything in their power to prevent this

development if it did go ahead they should ensure that a commuted sum is received directly

for the village’s benefit. It was also confirmed that included within the proposal is an allocation of 15

affordable units which would firstly be offered to local people, then to people further afield until all

units are filled.

It was reported that in the Phase 2 plans a pumping stations is shown, and concerns were raised

regarding the proximity to Bury Hall which is a habitat for Great Crested Newts. Orbit Homes are to

discuss these concerns with their Environmental Officer.

It was also confirmed that the Phase 2 plans include pavements all around the perimeter of the site;

the Parish Council were asked if the developers could be asked to provide a Pelican Crossing as part

of the “planning gain”.

The Chairman was asked why he had met with developers and explained that whilst the Parish

Council would continue to fight to prevent this development it was important that they have a “Plan B”

so that should this development go ahead the Parish Council is in a position to negotiate the best deal

for the village.







15009. To consider and note correspondence received:



Wretham village hall 5 Feb 6pm

Council offices, Dereham, 10 Feb 6pm

Cllr Simpson to attend.








15010. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state. The financial statements, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.


15011 To approve the Income and Expenditure Budget for 2015/16. The Budget, having been circulated to Councillors, was approved.


15012 To agree the precept for the year ended 31 March 2016. A precept of £6,500 was agreed.


15013. To approve and agree the following payments:

       HM Revenue & Customs – PAYE Q3 - £98.09


The above payment was approved and cheque duly signed.


15014. To discuss the Parish Partnership bid.  Councillors agreed to submit a bid to Norfolk County Council requesting 50% of the funding for a temporary 20mph zone and flashing lights in the vicinity of the Primary School. It was also queried whether signs would also be installed on Hingham Road and Chequers Lane, however it was confirmed that the quote is for two signs only. The Clerk to enquire as to whether further signs could be provided.

The Parish Council were also told of traffic lights that are triggered by drivers’ speed turning them red when drivers exceed the speed limit. The Clerk to speak to NCC Highways to see if such lights could be made available for this area.


15015. To discuss road safety and highways matters. It was agreed that all matters had been discussed under previous items on the agenda.


15016. To accept matters of information from Councillors. It was pointed out the Town Green remains an eyesore; contractors to ensure this is put back to it’s original state, this work will be dealt with in the Spring.

There continues to be incidents of dog fouling on Mill Lane; the Clerk to request another visit from the dog warden.

The sign advertising the Crown Public House on the green at the top of Church Street was reported to obscure drivers vision at this junction: the Clerk to report this to Highways with a view to getting the sign moved back a little.

It was reported that the Penhill Road ditch is back to its usual state again; it was felt that the drainage under the road is blocked.



15017. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. There was no business under this heading.


15018. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 18th February 2015, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 9.25pm.

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Present:  Councillor Betts (Chair), Mrs Banks , Elvin, Getley and Mrs Perkins. The County Councillor Bill Smith and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14220. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

There was no business under this heading.


14221. Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Councillors Howe-Li-Rocchi, Mellor, Simpson and Rev’d May.


14222. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


14223. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 17 November 2014. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


14224. To report matters arising not on the agenda – for information only.  The Clerk reported that she had spoken with Norfolk County Council to ask that the school bus no longer stop outside the Primary School or near to the Church Street/Chequers Lane junction and it was confirmed that they now seem to have rearranged the pick up and drop off points as requested.

Deopham Parish Council have confirmed that they are happy with the new arrangements regarding Councillor Banks kind offer to maintain the war memorial.

It was also confirmed that in order to bid for a share of the Parish Partnership funding available from Norfolk County Council this needs to be in the form of a letter, submitted by 30 January. The Clerk to draft a letter for approval at the January meeting.


14225. To receive the Chairman’s Report.  The Chairman reported that a walk around the village has been arranged with both Barhale and Paul Sellick from Norfolk Highways. There had been a complaint that the Attleborough Road is currently like a rumble strip, making it very noisy. It was also reported that there had been attempts to re-grass the verges but tractors driving on the verges has undone this work and it was decided to come back and re-do this in the spring. Shruggs Lane has been left in a mess and needs sorting. Although the ditch at the end of Penhill Road was emptied the pipe wasn’t cleared, however it was felt that once everyone is on mains sewerage this problem should hopefully be rectified.


14226.  To receive the District Councillor’s Report.  In the absence of the District Councillor, County Councillor Cliff Jordan reported on the latest news from Norfolk County Council, commenting that further savings need to be found.





Planning ref: 3PL/2014/1200/EU

Location: Thornwood, Stalland Common

Applicant: Mr and Mrs M Jeffery

Occupation of Thornwood in non compliance with Condition 2 of planning permission

W5746 (agricultural occupancy)


The Parish Council had been asked if they have any knowledge regarding this property. Councillors had nothing to report, and when the Chairman visited the site the neighbours were out. Cllr Jordan recommended that the Parish Council try and find out if anyone in the area working in agriculture needs a tied cottage.

Planning ref: 3PL/2014/101099/F

Location: 4, Chequers Lane, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr and Mrs J Brierley

Erection of detached bungalow and garage with access via existing vehicular access


The Parish Council had no objections to this application.



14228. To accept matters of information from Councillors. It was reported that there is a lot of surface water on the Hingham Road up to Mr Ewin’s property and that there had been three accidents on the previous Saturday morning when it was icy. The Clerk to report this to Highways to see what can be done.


14229. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. It was reported that GB Commercials had withdrawn their original application and put in another application to run a scrap metal business from the site. Councillors agreed that the Parish Council should re-submit their original objections, confirming that the Parish Council have no evidence of scrap metal dealing on this site.


14230. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 21st January 2015, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at 8.05pm.

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 19 November


Present: Councillor Betts (Chair), Mrs Banks , Getley, Howe-Li-Rocchi, Rev’d May, Mrs Perkins
and David Simpson. The District Councillor, Bill Smith, three members of the public, and the Clerk
to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.

14200. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

The Parish Council were asked whether they would be discussing planning application ref:
3PL/2014/0725/F Land adjoining 21, Hingham Road; it was confirmed that the Clerk had
requested an extension to reply to this application after the December Parish Council meeting.

14201. Apologies for absence. County Cllr Cliff Jordan, Cllr Elvin and Cllr Mellor sent their

14202. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of

14203. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 15 October 2014. These, having been
circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.

14204. To report matters arising not on the agenda – for information only.

The Clerk reported that she had spoken with Norfolk County Council regarding the school bus
pick up and drop off points in the village. They had replied to say that the school bus stops both
near the school and at the bus stop to ensure that the bus isn’t stationary at one spot, thus not
holding up the traffic for longer than necessary. Resolved: The Clerk to go back to Norfolk
County Council to confirm that the children waiting at the Primary School are obstructing the view
of drivers turning out of the Hingham Road on to the B1077, and expressing the Parish Council’s
concerns that children are congregating here. The Clerk to also request that the bus dropping off
point be near the pond area off Church Street rather than near to the junction with Long Street
where it is unsafe.

The Primary School had agreed to include a note in their newsletter asking drivers to park
considerately in Mill Lane, however it was reported that the situation has not improved. The Clerk
to contact the Primary School again.

It was reported that Mr Steggles is no longer able to maintain the war memorial. Mrs Banks
offered her services, free of charge. The Parish Council unanimously agreed to this proposal and
thanked Mrs Banks. The Clerk to write to the Deopham Parish Council to make them aware and
to confirm whether they are in agreement with this decision.

14205. To receive the Chairman’s Report. It was reported that the decision regarding whether
West Carr could join with Great Ellingham will probably not now be made until 2016. District Cllr
Smith advised that with the new larger ward coming in to effect and a number of ward
adjustments to be made in 2016 it would be advisable to wait so that everything can be done

Cllr Betts confirmed that he will be setting up a meeting with Paul Sellick of Norfolk County
Council Highways to ensure that once Anglian Water have completed their works the village is not
left with any unexpected problems to deal with.

14206. To receive the District Councillor’s Report. Bill Smith, District Councillor, reported that
Breckland is now consulting on the Local Plan which will run from 17 November to 9 January.

There were concerns that should the Attleborough southern bypass be sited near Breckland
Lodge this could cause problems with traffic wanting to go to Watton using Long Street as a short
cut to get to the B1077.

Cllr Smith also talked about the Settlement Boundary, explaining that currently under planning
regulations there is a presumption in favour of development within the boundary.

An alternative way of thinking is that the Settlement Boundary be removed altogether in order to
give Parish Councils more discretion.

Cllr Smith confirmed that Breckland Council have offered to make up any shortfall in collections
from the Bottle Bank for the first twelve months only. The Clerk to inform the Recreation Centre of


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/1049/F

Location: 21, Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr P Wright, Breckland Roofing Services Limited

Outline application for eight residential units

The Parish Council had no objections to this application, welcoming the fact that the

applicant had reduced the number of houses on the site. There were concerns however regarding

pedestrian safety; the Clerk to ask that the developer provide a footpath to either side of the entrance/

exit. The Parish Council to also ask for a commuted sum to be negotiated for the direct benefit

of the village.

Planning ref: 3PL/2014/1099/O

Location: 4, Chequers Lane, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr and Mrs J Brierley

Erection of detached bungalow & garage with access via existing vehicular access

This application had only just been received; the Clerk to ask for an extension to reply until after the

December Parish Council meeting.

14208. To discuss the Parish Council’s response to the Breckland Council Local Plan
consultation. It was confirmed that this consultation will run to the 9th January. Cllr Smith
explained that the Local Plan will be geared to meet Government policy to provide not only
enough housing for the present population but for generations to come. Details are currently being
circulated to Councillors.

14209. To agree whether to change Great Ellingham Parish Council’s planning policy in
respect of the settlement boundary. Councillors were asked to consider whether a Settlement
Boundary is necessary at all, as well as considering the Parish Council’s proposal to extend the
Settlement Boundary to include all areas within the 30mph zone, excluding the area along
Hingham Road due to safety reasons and the proximity of the Primary School. Councillor Betts

explained that a Settlement Boundary agreed by the Parish Council would be for guidance

only, and whilst it would not be the “official boundary”, the Parish Council would support building
within this zone. The Chairman also clarified that each application would continue to be judged

on its own merits in the usual way. Councillors voted in favour of in principle extending the
settlement boundary to include areas within the 30mph limit excluding the Hingham Road, and
also agreed that this should be extended up to the 40mph signs on the Watton Road with a view
to connecting this part of the village with the rest and to getting a footpath installed. The Chairman
to put an article in the Ellingham Pump to this effect, and the Clerk to communicate this decision

to Breckland Council.

14210. To consider and note correspondence received:


. Breckland Council – confirming precept requirements by 31 Jan 2015. Noted.
. Steve Brown – complaint regarding GE Recreation Centre lights being on at night. The Clerk
confirmed that she had spoken with Mike Bowden and the Recreation Centre are talking
to their electrician on how to resolve this problem.
. Breckland Council – Local plan consultation for circulation. Discussed under item 14208.
. Hugh Collier, Chair of Governors – response to the Parish Council’s letter expressing concern
regarding the vacant post of Crossing Patrol Officer. Noted.
. David Law – Traffic Management Officer – confirming results of traffic monitoring. Discussed
under item 14215.
. Carey Moore – enquiry regarding archaeological dig off Hingham/Attleborough Road. Noted.
. Correspondence between Bill Smith and Phil Mileham of Breckland Council regarding the
Local Plan consultation.
. Calyn Keohane – correspondence with NCC Highways regarding new access on to land off
the Hingham Road, opposite the school. NCC Highways looking in to this.
. Breckland Council – Notification of Parish Council election recharges from 2015. To be
considered when discussing the Budget for 2015/16.


. Bill Smith – District Councillor’s Report – Nov 2014
. Norfolk Constabulary – Attleborough Crime Summary
. Breckland Council press release – The Trench, Creative Arts East
. Norfolk Association of Councils – A guide to bonfires.
. Norfolk and Norwich Association for the Blind (NNAB) – Poster advertising for collectors.
. SLCC – The Clerk magazine

14211. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as
Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state. Since the last meeting the
following transactions had taken place:


HM Revenue and Customs – PAYE Q2 2014/15 £97.20.(chq no. 100433)

The financial statements, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.

14212. To discuss the Income and Expenditure Budget for 2015/16. The Budget had been
circulated to Councillors, to be approved at the January meeting.

14213. To approve and agree the following payments:

Mrs E Ground – Salary & expenses q/e 31 October 2014 - £395.81

The above payment was approved and cheque duly signed.

14214. To discuss the allocation of the remaining Rix Petroleum fuel rebate. The Clerk to
request confirmation of the total cost for a temporary 20mph zone around the school. The Clerk
also to obtain the paperwork needed to put in a Partnership Bid request where Norfolk County
Council would meet up to 50% of the total costs. It was confirmed that bids need to be submitted
by the end of January.

14215. To discuss road safety and highways matters. The Parish Council had received the
results of the recent speed monitoring checks in the village which confirmed that drivers
frequently exceeded the speed limit, although it was felt that the results would have been worse,
if it wasn’t for the fact that the monitoring was carried out whilst the B1077 road works were in
place. The speed data had also been forwarded to the Norfolk County Council Highways

14216. To discuss quotes received for tree surgery work on the Pyghtle. The Parish Council
had received two quotes for work to be carried out, both tree surgeons had confirmed that the
oak tree on the Pyghtle needs work to make it safe. Councillors voted in favour of the cheaper
quote from Neil Thomas, who is contracted to work for Attleborough Town Council. The Clerk to
call Mr Thomas to confirm.

14217. To accept matters of information from Councillors. It was confirmed that it is an
illegal offence to allow Japanese knotweed to spread.

14218. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. There was no business under this

14219. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 17th December 2014, to
discuss planning applications and urgent business only, to be held at the
Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm. This was confirmed and the meeting

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25 September



Present:  Councillors Betts (Chair),Cllrs Elvin, Getley and Howe-Li-Rocchi. Eight members of the public and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14177. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

There was no business under this heading.


14178. Apologies for absence. Cllrs Mellor, Mrs Banks, Mrs Perkins, Simpson and Rev’d May sent their apologies.


14179. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


14180. To discuss planning applications received:


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0745/F

Location: Bow Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Barrie Hall

Outline planning permission for single dwelling.


The meeting was closed so that the Parish Council could hear the views of parishioners in attendance. Parishioners raised concerns regarding the unsuitability of the road to take any extra traffic, lack of drainage, lack of facilities and fears that if this application were to be approved this could lead to further developments along Bow Street.

After some discussion the Parish Council agreed to object to the application on the grounds that the proposed building is outside the settlement boundary.


14181. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business.  There was no business under this heading.


14182. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 15th October 2014, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm.This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 8.00pm.


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17 September



Present:  Councillor Betts (Chair), Mrs Banks ,Elvin, Getley, Rev’d May and Mrs Perkins. Six members of the public, and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14159. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

It was reported that there had been a “near-miss” by the Primary School where an agricultural vehicle had to screech to a halt to avoid hitting a child.  Rev’d May reported that following speed checks in Great Ellingham twenty-eight warning letters had been sent out; the second highest in the area.

There was some discussion regarding whether the Head of the Primary School could have done more to help fill the vacant post of Crossing Patrol Officer, to help ensure that children arrive safely to the school. It was reported that the flashing lights are no longer turned on at school finishing time as there is no-one available to do this. The Parish Council was asked if it could demand an action plan from Mrs Ware and/or the Educational Authority. The Parish Council to contact the Chair of Governors in the first instance.

The Parish Council was also asked whether, in light of the current threat of large scale development in the village, it would request that Great Ellingham status as “Local Service Centre with Development” be changed, as it no longer meets the criteria, having no regular bus service, no Doctor’s surgery, no local employment of significance and a population of less than 1,000 residents. The Clerk to include this on the October meeting agenda for discussion.


14160. Apologies for absence. Cllrs Mellor and Simpson sent their apologies.


14161. To consider and agree any applications received for co-option to the Parish Council.  An application had been received from Mr Daniel Howe-Li-Rocchi. Councillors unanimously agreed to this co-option, the Declaration of Acceptance of Office was duly signed, and Mr Howe-Li-Rocchi joined the Parish Council.


14162. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


14163. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 13 August and 20 August 2014. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


14164. To report matters arising not on the agenda – for information only.

The Clerk had reported the drain cover on the Attleborough Road; this now being rectified. Highways have confirmed that they have no objections to the proposed merger of West Carr with Great Ellingham and this will now go to the General Purpose Committee.


14165. To receive the Chairman’s Report.  It was reported that the verges on Church Street and Attleborough Road have not been cut, with the due date for cutting having passed. This has now been reported to Highways.


14166.  To receive the District Councillor’s Report. In the absence of the District Councillor there was nothing to report.




Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0795/F

Location: The Bungalow, Bow Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Lee Devlin

Minor material amendment to 3PL/2013/1174/F - new access, including PV panels, dormer windows

 and other alterations.


Councillors had no objections to this planning application.







Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0886/F

Location: 26, Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Boardman

Proposed front extension


Councillors had no objections to this planning application.



Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0745/O

Location: Bow Street, Great Ellingham
Applicant: Mr Barrie Hall         

Erection of a single dwelling.


The Clerk to ask for an extension to reply to this application as the information had not yet

been circulated to Councillors.         




14168.  To agree the final response from the Parish Council to the Attleborough Road planning application. Cllr Betts read out the Parish Council’s draft response to the application, and a few small administrative changes were made. Councillors agreed unanimously that this response be submitted to Breckland Council on the Parish Council’s behalf.


14169. To consider and note correspondence received:









14170. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state. Since the last meeting the following transactions had taken place:



 Mr D Roberts – Grasscutting - £84.00

 Mr T Getley – Reimbursement of a gift provided for works carried out-  £17.00


The financial statements, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.


14171. To approve and agree the following payments:

       Mrs E Ground – Wages and expenses q/e 31 July 2014  £394.83.


The above payment was approved and cheque duly signed.


14172. To discuss whether the Parish Council should adopt a new culvert at the end of Penhill Road.  Cllr Betts had discussed the proposal with Paul Sellick of NCC Highways as well as with Barhale. It was agreed that Barhale will pump the ditch out, and see where the run-off goes. A decision will then be made on the best way forward.


14173. To discuss Highways.  Cllr Betts updated the Parish Council regarding his recent meeting with Paul Sellick:


Minutes of meeting with Paul Sellick, NCC Highway Engineer


Church Street - surface defect at church entrance and small pitting in surface slightly further north – Highways Inspector to visit the location but it may be prudent to wait until Barhale have finished on the road.


Junction with B1077 – request to amend junction to one side of heater/splitter islands as an ‘in’ (eastern arm) and one side as an ‘out’ (western arm). Mr Sellick said he could see the advantages in terms of eliminating the issue of visibility /parked cars in the splay. This would require a TRO (traffic regulation order) to formalise. Therefore he will put it firstly for an overview to the Highways safety team and then, if they are comfortable with the idea, he will put it forward for an item for the traffic management programme.


Junction of Church Street and Chequers Lane – the present state of the patch around the cover was unacceptable. Early indications were they were not finished yet at this location but the final repair will need to be checked and approved.


Long Street – some crazing of footways. Highways will inspect at the end of Barhale work as it is possible some of their plant has /is over running it – only speculation so may be difficult to prove.


Penhill Road ditch – Mr Sellick’s advice was: if the opportunity arises for any ‘broken’ pipe to be replaced  on an informal basis (ie without the parish getting insurance etc.), it would be worth taking up the opportunity (on the basis that they have replaced a private pipe with a new private pipe to improve the situation). Subsequently, Barhale have agreed to investigate the ditch and the route the run-off takes. Once we have this information, a decision will be made as to the best way forward.


B1077 laybys  - the Old Queens Head standing water. Mr Sellick will get one of his team to get their wellies on and look at  the standing water (from our quick drive by the ditch at the rear looked  full).

- the layby near Five Acres - subject of recent email exchange – this does smatter of a bit of a neighbourly dispute but Highways will write to all properties  pointing out that stones should not be placed on the highway, but in general safety terms this is very low priority.


B1077 – Triple BT covers – Highways will report to BT that there have been issues with the ironwork at this location. As a safety measure, these have been isolated by Highways until they can be corrected by BT.


Planning application for 39 houses – Mr Sellick doesn’t get to comment on developments; this is the role of NCC Highway Development Control Officers, who are located in with the planning team at the District Councils. It may be worth the parish seeing if there is any ’gain’ that can be made on the back of the development .


Street lighting in Glebe Meadow – the electronic map of street lighting  indicates that the 3 streetlights were NCC lights (now part of the PFI). The good news is that, as part of the PFI, they are due to be upgraded next year. They will become LED lights with a more controlled optic therefore causing less up-light/pollution.



Town Green – give way sign appears to have been nudged by a large vehicle. We will wait until after Barhale have finished in their compound to see if they straighten it and, of not, Highways will follow-up.


Barhale – Mr Sellick advised that once the project was complete, the PC should inspect all areas of the village in the presence of Barhale’s Project Manager to ensure that all work and remedial measures have been completed to its satisfaction. Mr Sellick said he would be happy to assist this process is required.


General – following the patching by Barhale Mr Sellick agreed it would be prudent to add some of the roads to Highway’s surface dressing programme. However, Chequers Lane was dressed in 2012, so it may not make the list as a priority so soon, but Mr Sellick agreed to make reference to all the patching work.


Weight Limits - Mr Sellick agreed to check the orders and signing of the weight limits that apply to Church Street; Chequers Lane & Long Street.



 14174. To accept matters of information from Councillors. Rev’d May reported that the new PC contact for the SNAP meetings is PC Steve Howard.



14175. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. The Chairman confirmed that he has arranged for the Jubilee bench to be repainted at a cost of £40.


14176. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 15th October 2014, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 9.10pm.

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20 August 2014



Present:  Councillors Betts, Mrs Banks ,Elvin, Mellor, Mrs Perkins and Cllr Simpson. Fourty-nine members of the public, County Cllr Cliff Jordan, District Cllr Bill Smith and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14152. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

There was no business under this heading.


14153. Apologies for absence. Cllr Getley and Rev’d May sent their apologies (both away).


14154. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


14155. To approve the minutes of the meeting of 16 July 2014. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


14156. To discuss planning applications received:


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0683/F

Location: Attleborough Road, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Nigel Painter

Residential development of 39 dwellings.


The Chairman closed the meeting to allow comments from parishioners to be heard. The following objections were raised by parishioners:


·         In 2011 this piece of land was identified as undeliverable for development by Breckland Council. What has changed to make the situation any different now?

·         Safety concerns, as this is sited at a very dangerous junction, opposite the Primary School.

·         Great Ellingham lacks the amenities and infrastructure to sustain such a development. It has no regular bus service, no Doctor’s surgery and the Primary School is already full to capacity.

·         This development is not in keeping with the character of the village.

·         If this development were to go ahead it would set a precedent for further large developments in the village.

·         Great Ellingham is a “Dark Skies” village; the observatory would be adversely affected by such a development.

·         Provision for parking is inadequate with most properties only having room for one car.

·         The access points are dangerous and site lines at the Hingham and Attleborough Road junctions need to be improved.


Of the 49 parishioners in attendance only 2 voted in favour of the development, citing lack of affordable housing and need for more custom for the village shop as the main reasons. The Parish Council was asked about the Community Right to Build Project; Cllr Betts explained that this has now been mothballed due to lack of support for the project.


District Cllr Smith confirmed that he will speak against the development at Committee, as in his view, the development is out of character with the rest of the village. Cllr Smith also confirmed that since 2005 planning policy has changed, with Councils receiving funding based on the number of houses built. If the application goes to appeal then the ultimate decision will rest with the Secretary of State.

Councy Cllr Jordan advised parishioners to stick to planning issues when writing in, pointing out that a loss of view is not a relevant issue, and to stick to the facts. He also pointed out that anyone can apply for planning permission, and that ownership of the land not being relevant; planning is all about land “use”.


Councillors unanimously objected to the application. Resolved: The Clerk to draft a response taking in to account both Councillors and parishioners’ views. This to be circulated for approval before submitting to Breckland Council.


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0753/F

Location: Prospect House, Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Wilkins

Minor material amendment to 3PL/2014/0124/F - to alter layout of site

There were no objections to this application.


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0725/F

Location: Land adjoining 21, Hingham Road, Great Ellingham

Applicant: AP & JP Snowling

2 new residential dwellings

The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds that it is over-development of the site and due to loss of privacy and amenity to the near neighbour.


14157. To agree whether the Parish Council should adopt a new culvert at the end of Penhill Road.  Following years of problems with sewerage in the ditch at the end of Penhill Road, which had recently been exacerbated by the mains drainage works, Barhale offered to pay for the supply and installation of a new culvert to travel from the Penhill Road ditch to the other side of Long Street, but are not prepared to take responsibility for the pipe going forward. Norfolk County Council Highways have also said that they were not willing to maintain the pipe, hence the request for the Parish Council to take ownership. There were some concerns raised regarding any future possible liability to parishioners should the pipe collapse or should this cause a flood along Long Street. Resolved: The Clerk to speak to the Parish Council’s insurers and see if the culvert can be insured.


14158. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business.  The Chairman reported that Norfolk County Council have confirmed that they have no objections to the re-naming of Penhill Road to Penhill Lane. It was also reported that the drain cover on the Attleborough Road, near to Swamp Lane has sunk again, the Clerk to report this to Highways. It was also noted that the public are permitted to attend Recreation Centre meetings.


14159. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 17th September 2014, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 8.42pm.

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13 August 2014



Present:  Councillors Betts, Mrs Banks ,Cllr Getley, Mrs Perkins and Cllr Simpson. Three members of the public and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14146. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

There was no business under this heading.


14147. Apologies for absence. Cllrs Elvin, Mellor and Rev’d May sent their apologies.


14148. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


14149. To discuss planning applications received:


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0710/F

Location: 18, Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr R A Lomax

Variation of condition 5 on pp 3PL/2005/1026/F


. The Parish Council had received a copy of a letter from Mr and Mrs Roberts to Breckland Council objecting to the annexe being let as a holiday let as this could be disruptive to the neighbours. They also stated that they had no objection to the annexe being used for family, such as a “granny annexe” as was originally intended. It was also pointed out that the plans for this application incorrectly shows land which is not in the ownership of Mr Lomax.

The Parish Council objected to this application. The Parish Council had supported the original application on the condition that this building would be kept as an annexe and that certain restrictions would apply. The Parish Council also objected on the basis that this proposal would lead to a loss of amenity to the near neighbours in terms of privacy and rural living.


14150. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business.  The Chairman reported that Barhale had agreed to pay for the cost of a new culvert at the end of Penhill Lane. The Clerk to include this for discussion on the next meeting’s agenda.

              It was also reported that due to a lack of volunteers it had been decided to mothball the New Build Project. Ann Milner to write to thank everyone for their support.


14151. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 20th August 2014, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm to discuss planning applications and urgent business only. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 8.00pm.

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July 2014



Present:  Councillors Getley, Mrs Banks ,Elvin, Rev’d May, Mrs Perkins and Cllr Simpson. Four members of the public, County Cllr Cliff Jordan and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14128. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters.

The Parish Council were asked when the status of Great Ellingham village was changed to that of a “local service centre with development” and also if the Council had been informed that the number of houses proposed for the village had increased to 61. It was reported that Breckland Council, whilst currently waiting for the emerging local plan, is having to work around legislation that is now out of date. There were concerns raised that if the proposed application for 39 homes off the Attleborough Road were to be approved this would set a precedent for other fields in the village to be developed, and that there isn’t the infrastructure to support such a development. The Clerk to speak to Breckland Council about their current planning policy and to check past minutes for reference to a “local service centre” and to report her findings.

The Clerk was also asked to include a list of planning applications to be discussed along with the agenda as well as requesting that a link to Breckland Council’s planning application search page be included on the village website. The Clerk to remind parishioners, via the Ellingham Pump, as to how they can now obtain copies of the Parish Council minutes.


14129. Apologies for absence. Cllr Betts and Cllr Mellor sent their apologies.


14130. To consider and agree any applications received for co-option to the Parish Council.  No applications had been received.


14131. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


14132. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 18 June 2014. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


14133. To report matters arising not on the agenda – for information only. It was reported that due to recent works in the village the water and sewerage in the ditch at the end of Penhill Road rose up to road level and threatened to back up to people’s homes. Following a meeting with Cllr Betts and Cllr Getley Barhale have agreed to dig a new hole and put a pipe in to help sort the problem, provided that they don’t have the responsibility of maintaining the pipe in the long-term. Norfolk County Council Highways to be asked if they will agree to maintain the pipe.

The Clerk had reported the potholes in Mill Lane, however Norfolk County Council say that they won’t carry out any repair work until Anglian Water have finished the sewage works. Highways did report that Great Ellingham roads are scheduled for surface dressing.

The Clerk had spoken with the dog warden who has agreed to schedule some more visits to Great Ellingham.

The Internal Auditor has now corrected her report; the Clerk to e-mail a copy to Councillors.


14134. To receive the Chairman’s Report.  Anglian Water continue to do their best to accommodate normal village life whilst doing their work. They have responded very quickly to requests for extra traffic calming signage and briefing their staff on stopping or how to avoid problems identified.

Councillors agreed with these comments.



14135.  To receive the District Councillor’s Report. In the absence of the District Councillor, Cliff Jordan, County Councillor reported on the move from Cabinet to a Committee led system at Norfolk County Council.




Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0673/F

Location: 14, Rectory Lane, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Daniel Howe

Two storey extension to back elevation and removal of existing conservatory.

Councillors had no objections to this planning application.


Planning ref: 3CM/2014/0011/CM

Construction of a maintenance hardstanding

Land off Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Anglian Water


Councillors had no objections to this planning application.


14137. To consider and note correspondence received:



·         Attleborough SNAP minutes from Paul Borman. These had been discussed at the June meeting.

·         Breckland Council – Local Plan. A consultation will take place with the Parish Council being a Consultee.

·         Breckland Council –transition to Individual Electoral Registration means that everyone will register to vote individually, rather than by household. Noted.

·         Shane Mellor – correspondence re GB Commercials Statutory Declaration Noted.

·         Norfolk County Council - Land off Long Street Norfolk: Construction of a maintenance

hardstanding. Discussed under item 14136.



·         Interprint- advertising printing services

·         FLP Outdoor play solutions – brochure

·         Empowering local authorities to be able to sell electricity

·         Norfolk Assoc of Local Councils – weekly updates

·         Norfolk Police – weekly crime summaries.

·         Norfolk RCC – NHS Complaints Advocacy Service

·         District Councillors Report – Better Broadband for Norfolk update

·         Removal of agricultural occupancy condition at Thornwood

Watton medical practice press release – decision to de-register 1,500 patients





14138. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state. Since the last meeting the following transactions had taken place:



HM Revenue & Customs – PAYE/NIC Q1 - £96.20

Anne Barnes –Internal audit - £35.00


The financial statements, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.


14139. To approve and agree the following payments:

       Mr D Roberts – Grasscutting - £84.00

       Mr T Getley – Reimbursement of a gift provided for works carried out on the Pyghtle -    £17.00


The above payments were approved and cheques duly signed.


14140. To review the Parish Council’s Standing Orders and Risk Assessments. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.


14141. To discuss any developments regarding the Recreation Centre – New Build. The chairman of the New Build committee has reconsidered her position and has decided to rescind her resignation. A meeting of the committee has been called for 6th August and a treasurer, secretary and new members are being sought. Various fund raising activities are being planned. The work on the ongoing operational business case is continuing.


14142. To discuss any updates regarding the possible merging of West Carr with Great Ellingham.  This proposal is to be considered shortly by the General Purposes Committee, Breckland Council.


14143. To accept matters of information from Councillors. Mrs Banks reported that she had carried out the Fixed Asset review and not found there to be any problems. It was suggested that some of the branches at the Deopham War Memorial could do with cutting back; the Clerk to contact Mr Steggles to see if he would be happy for one of the Councillors to do this.

              There was a query raised regarding the disposal of the old notice board; it was pointed out that when this is removed no-one will know that this area is the Pyghtle. The Clerk to include this on the September agenda for discussion.

              It was also reported that the Jubilee oak tree looks unwell; one of the Councillors to take a look.


14144. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. There was no business under this    heading.


14145. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 20th August 2014, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm, to discuss planning applications and urgent business only. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 8.35pm.

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June 2014



Present:  Councillors Betts, Mrs Banks ,Elvin, Getley, Rev’d May, Mrs Perkins and Cllr Simpson. Two members of the public, the District Councillor Bill Smith and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14108. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters. Councillors were informed of the Attleborough Town Planning meeting, to be chaired by George Freeman MP, being held on Thursday 17 July.  Topics for discussion to include employment, infrastructure, education, health and wellbeing and will be relevant not only to Attleborough but also the surrounding areas. The Clerk to circulate an e-mail to Councillors informing them of this meeting.

The Parish Council were asked whether the three fields identified as part of the Community Right to Build (CRTB) need an environmental assessment. Cllr Betts to ask the New Build Committee if they can confirm. There were also concerns raised that surveyors had been surveying the field opposite the Primary School. Cllr Betts confirmed that this was nothing to do with the CRTB or the New Build Committee.


14109. Apologies for absence. Cllr Mellor sent his apologies.


14110. To consider and agree any applications received for co-option to the Parish Council.  No applications had been received.


14111. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


14112. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 21st May 2014. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


14113. To report matters arising not on the agenda – for information only.  The Clerk reported that the Annual Return and accounts had been approved by the Internal Auditor. The Clerk to circulate the report to Councillors. The overhanging hedge off Mill Lane had been cut and the pothole on the Hingham Road repaired.


14114. To receive the Chairman’s Report.  The Chairman reported that the Crown Public House is due to open on the 25 June. The Chairman also gave thanks to Sue Simpson for clearing the tree trimmings along Chequers Lane.

Cllr Betts had recently met with the Anglian Water manager Sam Baker who reported that take-up of the new sewerage scheme stood at that time at around 2/3 of the village, with some households yet to respond.


14115.  To receive the District Councillor’s Report. Cllr Bill Smith reported that he is still waiting on the final decision from The Boundary Commission regarding the review of ward boundaries.  There were also concerns that the government are considering centralising work currently being carried out by the Anglia Revenues Partnership (ARP) and thinking of merging this with the DWP.

Breckland had received a grant from the government to start joined up ICT.

The Conservative Party have been interviewing potential candidates and Cllr Smith reported that he was fortunate to be one of the people selected. District Cllr Smith now has to wait for the ward allocations to be confirmed.



No planning applications had been received.


14117. To consider and note correspondence received:








Applications approved:


Listed Building Consent:

3PL/2014/0267/LB – Great Ellingham Reformed Baptist Church

Amendments to windows


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0170/F

Location: Allards Barn, Deopham Road, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr A Kirby

Conversion of redundant barn to residence and office in connection with adjacent use.


Applications refused:


Planning ref: 3PL/2013/1195/F

Location: Town Green Farm, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Graham Puttock

Conversion of redundant outbuilding to form 3 bed dwelling


Planning ref: 3PL/2013/1127/F

Location: Breckland Roofing Services, Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr P Wright

Proposed residential development consisting of 12 new dwellings with associated access road,

parking and amenity areas.





14118. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state. Since the last meeting the following transactions had taken place:



Mrs E Ground – Salary & exps q/e 30/4/14 - £403.66

Grant applications:

Great Ellingham Methodist Church - £70.00

Great Ellingham Recreation Centre - £250.00

Great Ellingham Pre-School - £180.00


The financial statements were approved.


14119. To approve and agree the following payments:


HM Revenue & Customs – PAYE/NIC Q1 - £96.20

Anne Barnes –Internal audit - £35


The above payments were approved and cheques duly signed.


14120. To discuss a request to change the name of the highway Penhill Road to Penhill Lane.  The Parish Council agreed to a resolution requesting that the name of the highway known as Penhill Road be changed to Penhill Lane. One of the Councillors had deeds to his property showing that as of February 1997 the road was indeed known as Penhill Lane.


14121. To review the Parish Council’s Standing Orders and Risk Assessments. This was postponed until the following meeting.


14122. To discuss any developments regarding the Recreation Centre – New Build. This was discussed under Correspondence.


14123. To discuss road safety and possible traffic calming measures. Cllr Betts to request that Mr Baker of Anglian Water put up some additional signage at the junction between Church Street and Long Street warning people to give way as since the road closure some drivers are failing to stop at the junction, assuming that there will be no traffic coming the other way.


14124. To discuss any updates regarding the possible merging of West Carr with Great Ellingham.  Cllr Betts confirmed that this proposal will now go before the General Purpose Committee for discussion. Cllr Betts asked District Cllr Bill Smith if he would keep the Parish Council informed.


14125. To accept matters of information from Councillors. It was reported that there are bird droppings on the table and picnic bench that need cleaning off.  

There have been further incidents of dog fouling along Mill Lane; the Clerk to contact the Dog Warden and ask for another visit.  Potholes were reported at the end of Mill Lane, the Clerk to report these to Highways. There were also concerns regarding a large dead branch lodged in the silver birch tree at the Pyghtle. Cllr Betts confirmed that this branch is firmly wedged in but that he will obtain a quote for tree surgery work in this area.

              Digger drivers working on the new sewerage scheme had been seen driving over someone’s grass; however after this had been reported to the manager there had been no further incidents and everyone had been very courteous.        


14126. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. The Chairman had nothing further to report.


14127. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 16th July 2014, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 8.55pm.

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May 2014



Present:  Councillors Betts, Elvin, Getley, Mrs Banks and Mrs Perkins. One member of the public, the District Councillor Bill Smith, County Councillor Cliff Jordan and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14083. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters. A parishioner reported that he had been to clean out the pond on the Pyghtle and noted that it is very badly silted up with mud and was concerned that if someone were to fall in it could be quite tricky to get out. It was also suggested that the Parish Council could install some planters on the Pyghtle in order to make it more attractive, as well as being easy to maintain.

Cllr Betts reported that he had met with Norfolk Wildlife Trust (NWT) to see how the pond could be improved; some tree surgery work was recommended to let more light in to the pond, and NWT said that they will speak to Norfolk Highways to see if they will dredge the pond. There was also some discussion about whether to create a “ledged” area or “beach” in order to reduce the steepness of the bank down to the water.

Resolved: Cllr Betts to obtain a quote for tree surgery work.


14084. To elect a Chairman for the year 2014/15. Cllr Getley proposed Cllr Betts, this was seconded by Mrs Perkins.


14085. The Chairman to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form.  This was duly signed.


14086. To elect a Vice-Chairman for the year 2014/15.  Mrs Banks proposed Cllr Getley, this was seconded by Cllr Elvin.


14087. The Vice-Chairman to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Office form. This was duly signed.


14088. To consider and agree any applications received for co-option to the Parish Council.  No applications had been received.


14089. Apologies for absence.  Apologies were received from Cllr Mellor (due to a family bereavement), Cllr Simpson (due to being away) and Rev’d May (unwell).


14090. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


14091. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 16th April 2014. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


14092. To report matters arising not on the agenda – for information only.  The Clerk had been asked by one of the Little Ellingham Parish Councillors to chase up the repair of the pothole on the Hingham Road. Norfolk County Council Highways had reported that this was scheduled for repair but couldn’t give a date for this. The Clerk to chase again.


14093. To receive the Chairman’s Report. There was no business under this heading.


14094.  To receive the District Councillor’s Report. Cllr W Smith gave an overview of what has been happening at Breckland Council over the past year, including the appointment of new Council leader Michael Wassal, and new Chief Executive Anna Graves, with a new Executive Director yet to be confirmed.

Due to additional efficiencies there have been savings of over £900,000 which means that Council Tax will be kept to present levels for both this financial year and the next. There is currently a £1.3 million funding gap for 16/17, reduced from the initial funding gap of £1.8 million. 

Three new member councils joined the Anglia Revenues Partnership (ARP) which has saved in excess of £2 million pounds and now has seven member Councils in total.

Cllr Smith reported on his submissions to the Boundary Commission on the new warding proposals which he felt didn’t offer enough protection for rural areas. This consultation closed on the 14th April and decisions should be made by August.

County Councillor Cliff Jordan reported that Norfolk County Council is now transferring over to the new Committee system and members are receiving training as a result. He reported that Councillors will have to get used to this system, as it cannot be reversed in law for at least five years.




To consider planning applications received:


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0332/F

Location: Lombard House, Anchor Corner, Little Ellingham

Applicant: Partnerships in Care Ltd

Demolition of garage and construction of a single storey 2 bed step down facility.

Councillors objected to this application on the grounds that the Parish Council’s original objections and safety concerns have not been addressed by Partnership in Care Ltd.


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0454/F

Location: Five Acre Cottage, Attleborough Road, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Blanks

Loft conversion with dormers, attached garage, and single storey extension.

It was reported that there are no near neighbours and Councillors had no objections to this application.


14096. To consider and note correspondence received – see attached list.




·        Wymondham Area Action Plan – documents available for inspection www.south-norfolk.gov.uk/local-plan-examination and to view at South Norfolk Council offices. Noted.

·        Norfolk County Council Highways confirming works programmed to level off area outside recreation centre entrance to improve disabled access. Noted.

·        Norfolk County Council correspondence re safety measures in Great Ellingham – 20mph zone and zebra crossing (on agenda for discussion). Discussed under item 14103.



·        Leeway Domestic Violence & Abuse Services – posters to go on noticeboard and information pack.

·        Benjamin Foundation – Information on working with young people – courses available.

·        Bill Smith – District Councillors Report

·        Princes Trust Team – courses available for young people.

·        Norfolk Police –warning of village hall bookings that may be suspect “rave” locations.

·        Breckland Council – Introduction to youth work training.

·        DCLG – confirming that legislation is not to be removed whereby Parish Councils have to provide allotments.

·        Environment agency – details of corporate plan.

·        Street life – advertising new community website







Applications approved:


Listed Building Consent:

3PL/2014/0267/LB – Great Ellingham Reformed Baptist Church

Amendments to windows


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0170/F

Location: Allards Barn, Deopham Road, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr A Kirby

Conversion of redundant barn to residence and office in connection with adjacent use.


Applications refused:


Planning ref: 3PL/2013/1195/F

Location: Town Green Farm, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Graham Puttock

Conversion of redundant outbuilding to form 3 bed dwelling


Planning ref: 3PL/2013/1127/F

Location: Breckland Roofing Services, Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr P Wright

Proposed residential development consisting of 12 new dwellings with associated access road,

parking and amenity areas.







14097. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state. Since the last meeting the following transactions had taken place:



Norfolk Association of Local Councils –£188.68

   Mr Steggles - £50.00

   Mr D Leech - £60.00

Society of Local Council Clerks – 50% of cost - £43.50

Great Ellingham Recreation Centre - £1,500.00

Great Ellingham PCC - £500.00


The financial statements were approved.


14098. To approve and agree the following payments:


Mrs E Ground – Salary & exps q/e 30/4/14 - £403.66

Grant applications:

Great Ellingham Methodist Church - £70.00

Great Ellingham Recreation Centre - £250.00

Great Ellingham Pre-School - £180.00


The above payments were approved and cheques duly signed.


14099. To approve the Financial Statements for the year ending 31.03.2014.

Councillor Mellor had reviewed the accounts and raised a query regarding the fixed asset balance. The Clerk explained that this was due to fixed assets having been historically valued based on the insurance valuation; however after speaking with the External Auditors during the previous financial year it had been confirmed that the correct method is to use historic cost value and that the value of the fixed assets should be restated. The Financial Statements were approved.


14100. To approve the Annual Return for the year ending 31.03.2014.  This was approved and duly signed by both the Chairman and the Clerk to the Council.


14101. To allocate Councillors’ responsibilities for the coming year. Duties were allocated as follows:

Mrs Banks – Fixed Assets

Cllr Betts -  Transport

Cllr Elvin – Recreation Centre representative

Cllr Getley – Highways

Rev’d May – SNAP representative

Cllr Mellor – Planning and Internal Audit.

Mrs Perkins – Environment

Cllr Simpson – Town and Parish Council Forum meetings representative


14102. To discuss any developments regarding the Recreation Centre – New Build. There were no further developments to report. The next New Build meeting to be held on the 4th June.


14103. To discuss road safety and possible traffic calming measures. Cllr Betts reported that he had spoken with the Primary School Headteacher Mrs Ware, who agreed to talk to the newly recruited cleaner to see if they would be willing to also take on the job of Crossing Patrol Officer. This however was declined. It was also reported that someone has now applied for this vacancy. This to be confirmed.

              The Clerk had spoken with Paul Sellick at Norfolk Highways who confirmed that the Primary School area has been put forward for a 20mph traffic calming zone, to be effective during school start and finish times only in the vicinity of the Primary School. However it was also noted that demand currently far exceeds the funding available. The Parish Council have asked Norfolk County Council whether match funding may help with getting this work done; the Clerk to chase this up. Cllr Smith confirmed that it may be worth approaching Breckland Council for financial assistance.


14104. To discuss progress regarding the possible merging of West Carr with Great Ellingham.  Cllr Betts confirmed that of the 35 households leafleted, 19 were in favour of merging with Great Ellingham, with 1 objection. A report has now been submitted to the General Purposes Committee and a meeting will be held to discuss which Cllr Betts confirmed he would be happy to attend. Cllr Smith felt that there was a good case for the merger.


14105. To accept matters of information from Councillors. It was reported that some parishioners were unhappy with the work being carried out by Anglian Water on Town Green; due to the amount of noise and disruption, as well as the fact that this is in full view of people’s bedroom windows.  Cllr Betts confirmed that although the Parish Council had not been consulted all the proper permissions had been obtained for this temporary site, and that plans had been available both at the Public Meetings held by Anglian Water as well as on the village website. It was also stated that there will be quite a bit of disturbance and that the site will be there for the duration of the sewerage installation; approximately nine months.

              It was reported that the hedge off Mill Lane is overhanging the footpath and needs cutting back. The Clerk to request that this be done.

              Japanese knotweed had been seen growing off Wood Lane, Little Ellingham. The Clerk to report this to the Environment Agency.


14106. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. It was reported that the re-development of the public house is going well, and hopefully should be finished by early June.


14107. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 18th June 2014, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm. This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 9.05pm.

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Chairmans Report

Great Ellingham Parish Council - Chairman’s Report

16th April 2014

I would like to start with a few words of thanks.

First, to the members of this Parish Council who have given up their time and energy not only in attending PC meetings but in performing their various particular offices, which often involve attending other meetings and resolving villagers’ issues.

Second, to Bill Smith, District Councillor, who has attended a majority of the meetings to keep us informed of the various goings on at Breckland Council and offering his support and wisdom which have proved very helpful.

Third, to the various officials of the village groups represented here this evening, first for giving up their time and second for the very interesting reports they are about to deliver.

Last but not least, I would like to thank our Clerk, Liz Ground, who has worked tirelessly and most effectively.

In May, Nicky Perkins was co-opted onto the PC and has proved to be an excellent addition to the team

Regrettably, Bob Cook & Bernard Ashe have found it necessary to resign their positions on the council. I would like to thank them both, on behalf of the Parish Council and myself as chairman, for their contributions to the council and to village life generally.

During the last 12 months the PC has been consulted on a number of planning applications. In the majority of cases the PC has raised no objections; however, where a proposed development was outside the agreed development area; seemed likely to create a safety issue or impinged too greatly upon a neighbour’s property or amenity, the PC has raised an objection.

In no particular order the PC has achieved the following:



The PC has kept a diligent eye on the village’s roads, pavements & verges. Unfortunately they have all taken quite a beating over the year due mainly to the weather but also due to the reckless driving of agricultural & commercial vehicle drivers. The PC has made representations to the usual suspects and will continue so to do.

The flooding problem at the Church Street / Attleborough Road junction was finally sorted after many attempts.

New Build Project

The New Build Project is being lead by a sub-committee of the Recreation Centre committee. However, due to its need to raise over one million pounds to stand any chance of affording a new centre, capable of meeting the needs of the village and able to abide by the numerous rules and regulations to which such a building would be subject, the sub-committee approached the PC to seek its agreement to be the lead vehicle for a Community Right to Build (CRTB) development.

In essence such a development would allow the village to buy land, at a reduced price, from a local farmer and sell it to a developer for the purpose of building an agreed number & style of houses. The PC would gain from the difference in the purchase price of the land and its sales price to the developer. Such a process would only go ahead if the village voted positively in a referendum. Just to complicate matters, three generous local landowners have offered land, so a pre-referendum, referendum will be necessary for the village to decide which of the three pieces of land, if any, it would prefer to be developed.

There is presently a hiatus in the project as the Chairperson & Treasurer of the New Build committee resigned recently but replacements are being sought – any volunteers should approach the Chairman of the Recreation Committee.

I would like to thank three people with regard to this project. First, Ann Milner, a stalwart of the village who has worked tirelessly, and in the face of some criticism, on this project. Second & third, Matt Wood & Sheila Moss-King, who have contributed their time & professionalism, mostly without charge, to the project.

Let’s hope that a new chairperson & treasurer can be found soon so that this project can continue.

Church Clock

The church clock, which was installed as a memorial to the 1st World War, has been repaired. The PC and the War Memorials Trust shared the cost of the repairs. The memorial will be re-dedicated by the Bishop of Thetford on Sunday 11th May.

The Crown

The PC succeeded in having The Crown public house listed as an Asset of Community Value, which meant it could not be sold as anything but a public house without the owners having to offer it to the village first. Fortunately, The Crown was bought by a local business man and is presently being refurbished in readiness of its re-opening as a ‘local with good food’ sometime in late May / early June.

School Crossing

Regrettably Jo, our Lollipop Lady, left her post (lollipop) recently. Norfolk County Council is, at the time of writing, still seeking a replacement. We all know how dangerous the junction of the Hingham & Attleborough/Watton roads is so we hope a new Lollipop person or people can be found soon. A job share would be considered.

Independent of the vacancy, the Parish Council will investigate a proposal to apply to the NCC for a controlled crossing (Zebra) to be installed.

Main-line Sewerage

Anglia Water has launched a project to install a main-line sewerage system to that part of the village, which doesn’t enjoy this amenity. The project is due to break ground in May and will take approximately 36 weeks to be completed. The PC has supported the project team in communicating to villagers and will continue to act as a conduit for information & guidance. All available, useful information is being posted on the village website, including the details of local builders who would be interested in quoting for the work to link households to the main-line sewerage system.

Improvements to Village Amenities

New Notice Board – the PC arranged and paid for a new notice board to be installed on the Pyghtle. This was provided by Mr Bob Smith, Church Lane and the PC is grateful for his services.

New Picnic Table – the PC arranged and paid for a new picnic table to be installed on the Pyghtle. It is capable of seating four people plus four persons in wheelchairs. It is constructed of recycled material. The PC thanks Liz Ground, Clerk for storing the bench until her installation team was available, whom the PC also thanks.

Removal of old amenities – the old notice board; tree seat and picnic table will be removed shortly.

West Carr & environs – merger with Gt Ellingham

In March, the Chairman wrote to all households in the Burgh and Haverscroft Ward, within the civil parish of Attleborough – this is better known as West Carr Road; Wroo Road, Swangey Lane & the southern end of Long Street. 35 residences in total. The letter sought views upon the idea of these households being supported by GEPC rather than Attleborough Town Council. Should 18 or more households agree to the change, Cllr. Bill Smith will approach Breckland District Council to arrange the handover.

Grants to Village Groups

The PC maintained its policy of supporting Village Groups with the emphasis upon one-off purchases rather than on-going running costs. With the assistance of the Rix Petroleum Consortium fund, the PC assisted: The Recreation Centre New Build Project £1,500; The PCC £500; Deopham War Memorial £50; Church Clock Repairs £340 and Picnic Table & seating £496

Gt Ellingham website

The PC would like to thank Steve Moore-Vale for his work as webmaster of the GE website. We are progressively using it as our main means of communicating with villagers. On it you will find all the material provided by Anglia Water regarding the main-line sewerage project; information about the New Build project; minutes of PC meetings; etc.

Village Christmas Tree

It has become a tradition for a large Christmas Tree to be installed on the green at the top of Chequers Lane. This is largely due to the efforts of Charles Mason and we are grateful to him.

On-going Issues

GE is still plagued by inconsiderate parishioners & visitors who litter & fail to pick up their dog’s mess. The PC has pursued resolutions to these problems continually throughout the year and will continue so to do, with the help of all responsible parishioners, who we ask to report such incidents. The PC has sought the help of the Dog Warden who has and will make frequent visits to the village.

The problem of pollution in the ditch at the Long Street end of Penhill Road continues to defeat the PC’s attempts at finding a resolution. The complexities of ownership; responsibility & politics have all conspired to frustrate us. It is to be hoped that the introduction of main-line sewerage will resolve the pollution, if not the ineffectiveness of the ditch as a flowing water channel. This will, of course, only be the case if the properties on the north side of Penhill Road connect to the main-line system. The PC encourages them so to do as, following the installation of the system, the quality of run-off from any remaining septic tanks will be re-checked and any property falling short of the required standards will be required to resolve the problem.


…and all of this for £6,424 or approx. £17 per Band D residence!

Thank you for your attention.

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Present:  Cllr Betts (Chair), Councillors Elvin, Getley, Rev’d May, Cllr Mellor, Mrs Perkins and Cllr Simpson. Eleven members of the public and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14001. Welcome and Introduction. The Chairman of the Council, Cllr Tim Betts, opened the meeting at approximately 7.30pm welcoming both Councillors and parishioners.


14002. Minutes of meeting held on 17 April 2013. The minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


14003. Matters Arising – There were no matters arising.


14004. Chairman’s Annual Report  -


I would like to start with a few words of thanks.

First, to the members of this Parish Council who have given up their time and energy not only in attending PC meetings but in performing their various particular offices, which often involve attending other meetings and resolving villagers’ issues.

Second, to Bill Smith, District Councillor, who has attended a majority of the meetings to keep us informed of the various goings on at Breckland Council and offering his support and wisdom which have proved very helpful.

Third, to the various officials of the village groups represented here this evening, first for giving up their time and second for the very interesting reports they are about to deliver.

Last but not least, I would like to thank our Clerk, Liz Ground, who has worked tirelessly and most effectively.

In May, Nicky Perkins was co-opted onto the PC and has proved to be an excellent addition to the team

Regrettably, Bob Cook & Bernard Ashe have found it necessary to resign their positions on the council. I would like to thank them both, on behalf of the Parish Council and myself as chairman, for their contributions to the council and to village life generally.

During the last 12 months the PC has been consulted on a number of planning applications. In the majority of cases the PC has raised no objections; however, where a proposed development was outside the agreed development area; seemed likely to create a safety issue or impinged too greatly upon a neighbour’s property or amenity, the PC has raised an objection.

In no particular order the PC has achieved the following:


The PC has kept a diligent eye on the village’s roads, pavements & verges. Unfortunately they have all taken quite a beating over the year due mainly to the weather but also due to the reckless driving of agricultural & commercial vehicle drivers. The PC has made representations to the usual suspects and will continue so to do.

The flooding problem at the Church Street / Attleborough Road junction was finally sorted after many attempts.

New Build Project

The New Build Project is being lead by a sub-committee of the Recreation Centre committee. However, due to its need to raise over one million pounds to stand any chance of affording a new centre, capable of meeting the needs of the village and able to abide by the numerous rules and regulations to which such a building would be subject, the sub-committee approached the PC to seek its agreement to be the lead vehicle for a Community Right to Build (CRTB) development.

In essence such a development would allow the village to buy land, at a reduced price, from a local farmer and sell it to a developer for the purpose of building an agreed number & style of houses. The PC would gain from the difference in the purchase price of the land and its sales price to the developer. Such a process would only go ahead if the village voted positively in a referendum. Just to complicate matters, three generous local landowners have offered land, so a pre-referendum, referendum   will be necessary for the village to decide which of the three pieces of land, if any, it would prefer to be developed.

There is presently a hiatus in the project as the Chairperson & Treasurer of the New Build committee resigned recently but replacements are being sought – any volunteers should approach the Chairman of the Recreation Committee.

I would like to thank three people with regard to this project. First, Ann Milner, a stalwart of the village who has worked tirelessly, and in the face of some criticism, on this project.  Second & third, Matt Wood & Sheila Moss-King, who have contributed their time & professionalism, mostly without charge, to the project.

Let’s hope that a new chairperson & treasurer can be found soon so that this project can continue.

Church Clock

The church clock, which was installed as a memorial to the 1st World War, has been repaired. The PC and the War Memorials Trust shared the cost of the repairs. The memorial will be re-dedicated by the Bishop of Thetford on Sunday 11th May.

The Crown

The PC succeeded in having The Crown public house listed as an Asset of Community Value, which meant it could not be sold as anything but a public house without the owners having to offer it to the village first. Fortunately, The Crown was bought by a local business man and is presently being refurbished in readiness of its re-opening as a ‘local with good food’ sometime in late May / early June.

School Crossing

Regrettably Jo, our Lollipop Lady, left her post (lollipop) recently. Norfolk County Council is, at the time of writing, still seeking a replacement. We all know how dangerous the junction of the Hingham & Attleborough/Watton roads is so we hope a new Lollipop person or people can be found soon. A job share would be considered.

Independent of the vacancy, the Parish Council will investigate a proposal to apply to the NCC for a controlled crossing (Zebra) to be installed.

Main-line Sewerage

Anglia Water has launched a project to install a main-line sewerage system to that part of the village, which doesn’t enjoy this amenity. The project is due to break ground in May and will take approximately 36 weeks to be completed. The PC has supported the project team in communicating to villagers and will continue to act as a conduit for information & guidance. All available, useful information is being posted on the village website, including the details of local builders who would be interested in quoting for the work to link households to the main-line sewerage system.

Improvements to Village Amenities

West Carr & environs – merger with Gt Ellingham

In March, the Chairman wrote to all households in the Burgh and Haverscroft Ward, within the civil parish of Attleborough – this is better known as West Carr Road; Wroo Road, Swangey Lane & the southern end of Long Street. 35 residences in total. The letter sought views upon the idea of these households being supported by GEPC rather than Attleborough Town Council. Should 18 or more households agree to the change, Cllr. Bill Smith will approach Breckland District Council to arrange the handover.

Grants to Village Groups

The PC maintained its policy of supporting Village Groups with the emphasis upon one-off purchases rather than on-going running costs. With the assistance of the Rix Petroleum Consortium fund, the PC assisted: The Recreation Centre New Build Project £1,500; The PCC £500; Deopham War Memorial £50; Church Clock Repairs £340 and Picnic Table & seating £496

Gt Ellingham website

The PC would like to thank Steve Moore-Vale for his work as webmaster of the GE website. We are progressively using it as our main means of communicating with villagers. On it you will find all the material provided by Anglia Water regarding the main-line sewerage project; information about the New Build project; minutes of PC meetings; etc.

Village Christmas Tree

It has become a tradition for a large Christmas Tree to be installed on the green at the top of Chequers Lane. This is largely due to the efforts of Charles Mason and we are grateful to him.


On-going Issues

GE is still plagued by inconsiderate parishioners & visitors who litter & fail to pick up their dog’s mess. The PC has pursued resolutions to these problems continually throughout the year and will continue so to do, with the help of all responsible parishioners, who we ask to report such incidents. The PC has sought the help of the Dog Warden who has and will make frequent visits to the village.

The problem of pollution in the ditch at the Long Street end of Penhill Road continues to defeat the PC’s attempts at finding a resolution. The complexities of ownership; responsibility & politics have all conspired to frustrate us. It is to be hoped that the introduction of main-line sewerage will resolve the pollution, if not the ineffectiveness of the ditch as a flowing water channel. This will, of course, only be the case if the properties on the north side of Penhill Road connect to the main-line system. The PC encourages them so to do as, following the installation of the system, the quality of run-off from any remaining septic tanks will be re-checked and any property falling short of the required standards will be required to resolve the problem.


…and all of this for £6,424 or approx. £17 per Band D residence!

Thank you for your attention.   



14005.            District Councillor’s Report

In the absence of the District Councillor there was nothing to report.


14006.            County Councillor’s Report

In the absence of the County Councillor there was nothing to report.


14007.            Reports from Village Organisations


Great Ellingham Allotment Society

The second year of allotments at Great Ellingham has been another very positive year, with the plots developing and maturing. The site remains friendly and supportive, with new allotment holders being welcomed onto the site. We currently have all 17 main plots let, with 12 being let to residents of Great Ellingham. There is a slow turnover of plot holders as peoples circumstances change, however, we do have 3 people still on the waiting list, so there is no risk of empty plots at the moment.

Following the installation of water and the completion of the fence to the rear of the site, some ground became available to turn into “Mini” plots. The first of these mini plots were taken by the local Scout group. Last year the Scouts grew a variety of vegetables, and the Cubs grew a wonderful crop of sunflowers which were very much appreciated by the local wildlife.

The mini plots have been offered to people on the waiting list, and are available to anyone wanting a smaller area than a half plot. There are currently 3 ½ pairs of mini plots let, and with the mini plots still developing we hope to have more take up as they are advertised more widely in the village.

Once again, produce grown on the allotments won several prizes at the Village Show, with some definite competition emerging. Jenny Roberts may have some serious challengers for the vegetable prizes next year!

Produce from the allotments was donated to St James for their Harvest Festival, and was sold to raise funds.

Great Ellingham Primary School visited the allotments to get ideas and  inspiration for their own vegetable plot in school. Children are welcome on the site, with the next generation of gardeners already getting involved.

The site is also becoming a wildlife haven, with several nestboxes in use on site, and sightings reported of hedgehogs and an adder.

We all hope that 2014 will be a year of sunshine and just enough rain to give us all bumper harvests!


Chris Arnold, Chairman.


Great Ellingham Recreation Centre

Mike Bowden provided an update on the Recreation Centre, saying it had been another good year. It was noted that lettings were down from the previous year; the reason being that so many village groups now use the hall that they don’t have much time available to let out for parties. Grants had been received from the Great Ellingham Pretenders and from the Teddy Bear Fund, and in the past year the Committee have purchased new fire doors and carried out repairs to the toilets. It was reported that thanks to a large anonymous donation the Committee have been able to purchase and install a wonderful new play area for the village. This has led to savings now being somewhat depleted with work being needed to the kitchen as well as to re-decorate the hall.


Mike Bowden, Treasurer.


Under Fives

The group is still doing well and we have welcomed some new faces to the group this year from the village and surrounding villages as well, we will however be losing quite a few regulars to school this September so will have to see how things are then. We continue to take part in village activities such as the Teddy Bear Festival and making decorations to hang on the Christmas tree on the green which the children then enjoy showing grandparents etc.


Amanda Cudmore.


Chit Chat Club

Rev’d May reported that the club is doing well, regularly attracting 40 members. The club gives a big boost to a lot of people, a chance to make new friends, and there have been lots of spin-off events from this too.


Breckland Astronomical Society

The last year has been an extremely busy one. Our outreach work has increased with far more visits to the Observatory and co-operative events with the RSPB and Wild Life Trusts and other organisations. Requests for outside talks have also increased.

Both Stargazing Live and National Astronomy Week have seen the Observatory open to the public. The BBC asked us to take part in SGL and has used the Observatory to film parts of Sky at Night.

Following the successful exhibition of our images at the Norwich Art Centre last year, we are, shortly, to have another one at the Diss Corn Hall.

Our large 20” telescope has been the subject of an upgrade to improve its tracking and stability to provide a platform for even better imaging.

We have adopted a Child Protection Policy, our status as Dark Sky Site requires us to maintain a Risk Assessment for the Observatory.


Anthony Fox Carter



Great Ellingham Scout Group

Dennis Leech reported that the youth sections are doing well with a very active beaver and cub colony. In addition there are also two Scout Groups operating out of Great Ellingham, so they too have been very busy, as well as an Explorer unit. In addition to regular meetings there were hikes, visits, church services, parades and village events, as well as fundraising for many charitable groups. There is also to be an international 7-night activity camp NORJAM in August 2014.

 Whilst the Scout Group now has a full committee it has lost its Group Scout Leader, Steve Neil, and is now in need of an experienced Scout leader; if anyone can help with this please do get in touch.


Great Ellingham PCC

Charles Mason, Church warden, firstly thanked the Parish Council for its financial support towards the maintenance of the churchyard, which ensures this is a safe and secure area for visitors.

It was reported that major repair works have been carried out to the North Aisle. There have been numerous events during the past year including the Christmas Tree event and Autumn Fayre. This year works planned include: a new sign and noticeboard, repairs to the church wall, opening up of the porch window and repairs to the car park. The PCC are currently looking at how the church building can be better used by the village, so that this can become a more regular part of non-secular village life. The PCC will publish its findings in due course. The PCC would like the church to be a place of reflection for both those with and without faith.


Great Ellingham Cricket Club

Richard Smith (Secretary) reported that the club is doing well, with a Saturday side last year as well as a Sunday side in the Norfolk league, which has been very competitive and is doing well. The club is also attracting younger members, with the 6-8 year olds increasing from 5 members to 20 members in a matter of weeks. The club has 6 youth sides, with the Under 17s and below in the Alliance and South Norfolk league. Almost every night during the cricket season they will be out playing at the Recreation Centre. The club is keen to encourage more people from the village to get involved; there is always lots going on behind the scenes. The large containers have now been moved to be side-by-side and the work re the new changing rooms is on-going.


Great Ellingham Pre-School

It has been a very exciting and busy year at the Preschool.  Since taking over as Manager in January I have been very busy working with the committee and staff team, to improve the standards of care and education for our children.  We currently have good numbers of children attending the setting.

Earlier in the year we joined the NHS ‘Talk About’ Scheme, and have been tracking children’s development in their Speech and Language.  This scheme has been a great benefit to us, and we have been able to attend free training courses in this area.  This has helped raise staff awareness, and we have been able to offer support to children and families who are experiencing difficulties in this area.

We have introduced a Story Cafe on a Wednesday afternoon which will run half-termly.  This is a lovely time for new and current children to join as for a story, craft and a snack.

We were very pleased to receive a green rating for our RAG towards excellence scheme.  This has enabled us to be providers for the 2 year old funding scheme.

We have just introduced home visits for new children and parents these have been a very positive experience for staff, parents, and children. 

Staff have attended a variety of courses this year Safeguarding, physical development, caring for our younger children, supporting children with Autism to name but a few.  The Manager is continuing her studies towards a Early Year Foundation Degree. The Deputy Manager has just started her Level 4, and another member of staff is continuing with her Level 3.

Children have enjoyed visits this year to Banham  Zoo, Melsop Farm, and our regular monthly visits to the library van.  We have also had visits in the setting from the lolly pop lady, doctor, and minister from the local church.  We also enjoyed having the parents visit us for the Stay and Play days, Afternoon Tea, Sports Days and the Preschool graduation

We have been supporting other charities such as World Book Day, Red Nose Day, and Jeans for Genes Day, as well as fundraising for new equipment for the Preschool itself.


Maria Green, Preschool Manager.


Great and Little Elllingham Walkers

The Great and Little Ellingham Walkers meet each month, and a report is published in the Ellingham Pump. Walkers turn up on the second Monday of the month at 10am if they feel like a walk.


Village Singers

VS is a community choir with most of its members coming from Great and Little Ellinghams and Rocklands. We currently have a membership of 33 voices – 9 male and 24 female, under our musical director Neville Moon. Mrs Tina Moon is our concert producer. There is no waiting list for membership. Prospective members are not required to audition or be able to read music.


Although many members have church associations, we are a secular choir and sing mainly 20th century popular and show music plus carols at our Christmas concert as tradition demands. We have been running for five years or so and our performance standard has improved greatly over time.


We schedule two concerts a year – summer and Christmas. With one exception, we have performed all of these in St James’ church which has a fine acoustic. We occasionally put on other ad hoc appearances. Members meet to practice on Tuesday evenings for about 9 months of the year. Most practice sessions have been held in St James’ but for the last two winters we have practised in Little Ellingham Old School Hall.


The VS is an unincorporated body with elected officers managed through a constitution.

VS is self-financing through members’ subscriptions and concert ticket sales. Most of our income is spent on music and venue rental. We have public liability insurance, and pay full attention to matters of copyright. We get drinks licences through the TENs procedure for out public performances. H&S risk assessments are undertaken as a matter of course. We have decided, for example, to hire additional lavatory accommodation for our next concert at St James as the single cubicle is inadequate.


Any prospective members should make application to Neville Moon. Any other queries can be sent to me.


Paul Walker – Chairman



14008.  Matters of concern to Parishioners

It was suggested that with a view to developing the village hall and making it better perhaps a big bash of village events could be held with every group contributing something. It was also felt that with the new playground proving so popular there is an opportunity to offer refreshments at the busiest times to help bring in funds. Mike Bowden said that the Recreation Centre Committee have discussed these and other ways of raising funds, and that they welcome new people with fresh ideas to join the Committee.

Concerns were raised regarding the school crossing; not just from the point of view of speeding vehicles, but also with regard to the complexity of the junction and the nature of the vehicles using the road. It was suggested that villagers could lobby their local MP, George Freeman.

The Parish Council reported that Norfolk County Council are happy to recruit a crossing patrol officer, but don’t have any volunteers for this vacancy. It was suggested that the school cleaner and school crossing patrol officer should have been advertised as one job, as this would have been more likely to attract applicants. It was pointed out however that a cleaner has already been appointed to the post.  Proposed: Cllr Betts to approach the headteacher to see whether anything can be done to incorporate both roles.

The Parish Council were also asked if they would call an Emergency Meeting with the Great Ellingham Primary School, George Freeman, Norfolk County Council and Anglian Water to see what can be done to resolve these safety issues. Cllr Betts offered to speak to the various parties to see what can be done.


14009.  Date of next meeting– The date of the next annual meeting was confirmed as Wednesday 15 April 2015, to be held at Great Ellingham Recreation Centre at 7.30pm.




March 2014



Present: Cllr Betts (Chairman), Ashe, Elvin, Getley, Mellor, Simpson and Mrs Perkins. Eight members of the public and the Clerk to the Council, Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14045. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters. The Parish Council were asked when the large pothole on the Hingham road is to be repaired. The Clerk to contact Norfolk County Council. It was also reported that Norfolk County Council Highways have programmed the Hingham road and footway for resurfacing in the coming months.


14046. Apologies for absence. Apologies were received from Rev’d May and District Cllr Bill Smith.


14047. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. No interests were declared.


14048. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 19th February and 3 March 2014. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved, subject to a small amendment to the March minutes, and signed.


14049. To report matters arising not on the agenda. The Clerk reported that the minutes are now available in the Village Stores, to view on the website, and through the Parish Council mailing list.

Letters have been sent to the landowners adjacent to the Shruggs Lane bridleway asking if permission has been granted for motorised vehicles to use this track.

Breckland Council were approached to see if there is any funding available for elderly and/or disabled persons; there is not a specific grant for this but a Breckland Officer is to see if any other grants or funding might be available.

Norfolk County Council are to look at the road opposite the Recreation Centre to make the crossing more level for mobility scooters.

The Clerk to go back to County Cllr Jordan to see if anything can be done about the Penhill Road ditch.


14050. To receive the Chairman’s Report. Cllr Betts reported that he had attended the Anglian Water open meeting and that it had been suggested that a list of local builders willing to quote for the drainage work be set up on the village website.

Cllr Betts reported that Ann Milner has stepped down as Chair from the New Build Committee and that a new champion for the project is now needed. Councillors joined Cllr Betts in acknowledging their gratitude for Ann Milner’s huge contribution, not only to the New Build but also to the village as a whole, working with many groups and organisations over the years.

The purchase of the Crown Public House has now been completed, builders should be starting work in April, and it is hoped that the pub will open in May.


14051. To receive the District Councillor’s Report. In the absence of the District Cllr there was nothing to report.




Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0170/F
Location: Allards Barn, Deopham Road, Great Ellingham
Applicant: Mr A Kirby
Conversion of redundant barn to residence and office in connection with adjacent use.

The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds that it lies outside the LDF


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0124/F

Location: Wayside, Attleborough Road, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Wilkins

Demolition of existing house & outbuildings and replacement with new bungalow and detached



The Parish Council objected to this application due to the loss of privacy and amenity to

neighbouring properties, due to the fact that the proposed site lies outside the LDF and outside

of the building line. There were also concerns regarding access for emergency vehicles to the site.


Planning ref: 3PL/2013/1195/F

Location: Town Green Farm, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Graham Puttock

Conversion of redundant outbuilding to form 3 bed dwelling.


The Parish Council objected to this application on the grounds that it lies outside the LDF.


14053. To consider and note correspondence received:





14054. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state.


The financial statements, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.


14055. To approve and agree payment of any invoices received:


Mrs E Ground – salary & exps - £398.98

HM Revenue & Customs -£96.91

Parish Council insurance - £347.20

Robert Ewin – Annual rent allotments £360

Precision Developments – Stainless steel noticeboard inc installation - £636.00


Three quotes for Parish Council insurance were received and it was decided to stick with the existing company and to accept a three year discounted fixed price agreement. The above payments were approved and cheques signed.


14056. To appoint the Internal Auditor for the 2014/15 financial year. It was agreed to appoint Anne Barnes as Internal Auditor.

14057. To discuss progress regarding the Community Right to Build Scheme and proposed new village hall. Due to the recent resignation of the Chair and Treasurer the Committee are looking for a new Chairman to champion the project.


14058. To discuss any updates regarding the possibility of merging West Carr with Great Ellingham. It was proposed that Cllr Betts write to all residents of West Carr asking them if they wish to merge with Great Ellingham. If a majority votes for this then Cllr Betts will then contact Bill Smith in order to enact the change. The Clerk to include this on the April agenda for discussion.


14059. To discuss quotations received for the installation of the new picnic table and seating. The Clerk had received an offer from a local builder to install the new picnic table and seating free of charge, as an offer to help out the village, so long as this can be installed straight on to the grass. This offer was accepted by Councillors, the Clerk to arrange.


14060. To accept matters of information from Councillors. It was reported that there is currently no crossing patrol at the school. Resolved: The Clerk to ask for more speed checks through the village.

It was reported that there is a pothole off Long Street opposite the old garden centre.The Clerk to report this to Attleborough Town Council.

The Parish Council noted the sad passing of Ivan Wright, a former Councillor.


14061. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. There was no business under this heading.


14062. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 16th April 2014, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm starting with the Annual Parish Meeting followed by the Parish Council Meeting.

This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 9.11pm.


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 March 2014 - Special Meeting



Present:  Cllr Betts (Chairman), Ashe, Mellor, Simpson, Rev’d May and Mrs Perkins. Two members of the public and the Clerk to the Council, Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


14039. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters. There was no business under this heading.


14040. Apologies for absence.  Apologies were received from Cllr Getley and Cllr Elvin (both due to prior commitments).


14041. Declaration of interests in any item on the agenda. There were no declarations of interest.


14042. Planning application(s) to be discussed:


Planning ref: 3PL/2014/0077/F

Location: Bow Street, Great Ellingham (adj to “The Bungalow”)

Applicant: Mr Barrie Hall

Erection of a four bedroom bungalow and new vehicular access.


After some debate the Parish Council had no objections to the above application. One deciding factor was that there have been residential dwellings on the site “within living memory”; however it was stressed that this shouldn’t be taken to set a precedent as regards to “ancient sites”. The Parish Council also stipulated that before planning permission is granted a contamination report be obtained and also that there should be no commercial enterprise on the site.


14043. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. Cllr Betts called for a vote of appreciation for Bob Cook, and the Parish Council thanked Bob for his services both to the village and to the Parish Council during his time as Councillor.  


14044. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 19th March 2014, to be held at the Recreation Centre at 7.30pm.  This was agreed and the meeting closed at 7.50pm.


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February 2014



Present:  Cllr Getley (Vice-Chair), Ashe, Cook, Mellor, Simpson, Rev’d May and Mrs Perkins. The District Councillor Bill Smith, County Cllr Cliff Jordan, four members of the public and the Clerk to the Council, Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.

 14022. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters. The Parish Council were asked why, when they had previously turned down planning applications for large scale development, were they now supporting a large development of houses through the Community Right to Build scheme. The Parish Council were also asked, why the previous questionnaire had not included an option to say no to any development , whether a new village hall was really needed and if many people from the village use the existing hall.

Councillors explained that the Parish Council became involved in the Community Right to Build process due to them needing a legal entity to facilitate this process. The Parish Council also felt that, if they were involved directly, they would be able to have some influence over the consultation process. It was explained that any decision regarding development of land would be subject to a public consultation and that, as well as being able to vote for a particular site, this would also include an option to say no to all of the proposed developments.

It was explained that the village hall is currently well used with many groups and clubs within the village using this on a daily and weekly basis. From previous consultations and meetings it has been generally accepted that there is a need for a new village hall, and that it would be more cost-effective to build a new hall than to amend or extend the existing building.

 14023. Apologies for absence.  Apologies were received from Cllr Betts (attending a funeral) and Cllr Elvin.

 14024. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. No interests were declared.

 14025. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 22nd January 2014. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.

 14026. To report matters arising not on the agenda.  The Clerk reported that she had spoken with the manager at Kerry Foods who has issued a memo to all their drivers asking them to respect the verges and the village speed limits.

The Clerk confirmed that she had conctacted the Boundary Commission to request that the name “All Saints” be retained when re-naming the new ward.

The Great Ellingham Village Stores have kindly agreed to have on display hard copies of the minutes for any parishioners who may want them.

The Clerk had spoken with the dog warden and they have scheduled more visits to Great Ellingham.

District Councillor Jordan offered to lend his support to getting the Penhill Road ditch cleared, and advised the Clerk to speak with Paul Sellick at Norfolk County Council.

A Special Meeting was proposed to discuss the Bow Street planning application, to be held on 3 March at the Recreation Centre.

14027. To receive the Chairman’s Report. In the absence of the Chairman there was nothing to report.


14028. To receive the District Councillor’s Report.  The District Cllr, Bill Smith, reported that Breckland Council have now received a contribution from the government of £247,000 for the 2014/15 financial year, with the possibility of a further £500,000 for the following year. Breckland Council will therefore not be increasing Council Tax for the next two years. As a result of this Parish Councils will be due a contribution payment during the 2014/15 financial year to be paid with the precept, the actual amount to be confirmed.

It was also reported that a new Chief Executive has been appointed to Breckland Council.



Planning ref: 3PL/2013/1127/F

Location: Breckland Roofing Services, Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr P Wright

Proposed residential development consisting of 12 new dwellings with associated access road, parking and amenity areas.


Councillors objected to this application as it stands. Reasons for objecting were due to the density of houses for the size of the plot, insufficient access on and off Long Street, and the fact that some of the properties overlook neighbouring properties. The Parish Council had also received objections from two parishioners; H Mannings and J Richardson.


14030. To consider and note correspondence received:



·        Great Ellingham Rangers confirming work carried out in the village. It was reported that Rangers had trimmed back an overhanging hedge off Chequers Lane, cleaned a traffic sign, excavated for drainage off Long Street, repaired road on Mill Lane and swept carriageway and footway on Bow Street.

·        SNAP meeting minutes Rev’d May had attended this meeting and reported that speeding issues were raised. Kerry Foods have said that any speeding issues that involve their drivers will be treated severely, and asked that if the lorry number can be obtained this be reported to Kerrys.





14031. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state.


     The financial statements, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.


14032. To approve and agree payment of any invoices received:


Picnic Table & Seating - £595.20 inc VAT.

  The above payment was approved.


14033. To discuss progress regarding the Community Right to Build Scheme and proposed new village hall. There was no business under this heading.


14034. To discuss any updates regarding the possibility of merging West Carr with Great Ellingham.  No news had been received and it was reported that some West Carr residents weren’t aware of this issue.


14035. To discuss the installation of the new picnic bench and seating. The Clerk had received one quote but it was agreed that two further quotes be obtained to ensure value for money, and this be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.


14036. To accept matters of information from Councillors.  Cllr Cook tendered his resignation as Councillor and the Clerk was asked to advertise this vacancy.

 It was reported that the ditch on the left-hand side on Penhill Road, approaching the farms had been blocked with soil. Cllr Getley to look in to this.

 It was reported that residents on mobility scooters are having difficulty crossing the road opposite the Recreation Centre due to the road dipping just before the pavement. The Clerk to contact NCC Highways to see if they can rectify this.

The Clerk was asked to contact Breckland Council to see if there is any financial help available to elderly and/or disabled persons wanting to connect to mains drainage.    


14037. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. There was no business under this heading.


14038. To confirm the date of the next meeting as  Monday 3rd March, to discuss planning applications and urgent business only, with the next full meeting being held on Wednesday 19th March 2014, both meetings to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm.

This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 9.00pm.


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January 2014


 Present:  Cllr Betts (Chair), Cook, Elvin, Getley and Mrs Perkins. The District Councillor Bill Smith, two representatives from Anglian Water, Matt Wood, nine members of the public and the Clerk to the Council, Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.

 14001. Open Forum – an opportunity for any parishioner to speak on Parish matters. There was a complaint regarding the poor state of the roads in the area, particularly the way in which the banks and verges are being eroded. Lorries from Kerry Foods were reported to have been seen cutting across road junctions and eroding the verges. The Clerk to speak to Kerry Foods to see what can be done.

The Parish Council were asked to note that someone has been targeting cars parked on the green triangle at the top of Church Street, sticking “parking tickets” on car windscreens. It was argued that if necessary it is safer to park on the triangle than on the road near to the junction and that there had been a road accident at this junction on the morning of the Parish Council meeting. Whilst Councillors did not condone parking on the triangle, they agreed that it was not appropriate for someone to be taking matters in to their own hands.

 14002. Apologies for absence.  Apologies were received from Cllr Mellor (attending a funeral), Cllr Simpson; Cllr Ashe and Rev’d May.

 14003. To declare interests in any items on the agenda. No interests were declared.

 14004. To confirm the minutes of the meeting of 18th December 2013. These, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.

 14005. To report matters arising not on the agenda. The Clerk reported that the new noticeboard is due to be installed at the end of January, with the new picnic table and seating having been ordered and awaiting delivery.

The Clerk to confirm whether the current litter warden for the village has resigned from this post. 

14006. To receive the Chairman’s Report. Legal completion of the Crown Public House sale is reported to be imminent and the purchasers have agreed to contact Cllr Betts once the sale has gone through to let him know of the plans for the pub. 

14007. To receive the District Councillor’s Report.  The District Cllr, Bill Smith, reported on Breckland Council’s (BDC) budget; commenting that there won’t be a gap in funding until the 2016/17 financial year. Breckland hope to hold down the increase in their element of the Council Tax to 2% and estimate that this will still mean that Breckland has the lowest Council Tax of any District Council in the country. It was reported that BDC’s commercial properties are currently 91% let and continue to return a sizeable income for the Council.

The Boundary Commission proposals are now through, which suggest a much larger ward with two members, to be re-named Wayland. Cllr Smith asked if the Parish Council would write to the Commission to ask that All Saints retains its identity, suggesting that “All Saints and Wayland” would be a better option. The consultation runs to April, and the 2015 elections will be based on the new boundaries. Resolved: The Clerk to request that the name “All Saints” be retained.

As part of the efficiencies drive at Breckland, a new pay-scheme has been proposed, which abolishes the cost of living wage increase and would mean any future pay rises would be based purely on performance. 

Finally Cllr Smith reminded the Parish Council that “Pride in Breckland” funding is available to help towards village projects such as the cost of new noticeboards. The Clerk to contact Breckland Council to discuss. 

14008. To receive a presentation from Anglian Water regarding the new sewerage system for Great Ellingham.  Two representatives from Anglian Water gave a presentation regarding the new sewerage system. It was confirmed that approximately 184 homes will have the option to connect to the new sewer and is expected that construction of the new pumping station on Long Street will begin in late May 2014. This will be a low visual impact development, with much of the work below ground, but will involve building a pumping station to the south of White House Farm, Long Street which will include a small lay-by to allow access to employees to maintain the station. Traffic to and from the site is expected to be one tanker per annum as well as one van every one or two months.

It was reported that as part of the works there will be some road closures in the village with diversions in place where necessary. There will be two public meetings held in the Spring, at which residents can view plans and discuss any queries.

It was explained that the decision to connect to the mains sewer is voluntary and any household that chooses to connect will be responsible for the work carried out within their property boundary. Householders can get quotations for the work needed or can do the work themselves, the only proviso being that all work must comply with building regulations. Firstly Anglian Water will do all their work and once the work has been commissioned letters will go out to householders inviting them to connect to the system. Households have up to 6 months to connect to the system before they are charged for mains drainage, and those connecting within 3 months will benefit from 12 months free sewerage.

Cllr Cook asked Anglian Water why they have chosen to lay pipework under the road at Mill Lane, rather than lay the pipe behind the properties, making use of the field behind.  Anglian Water agreed to visit Cllr Cook at his property to discuss the various options available.

 14009. To discuss progress regarding the Community Right to Build Scheme. Matt Wood provided Councillors with an update on progress to date. He confirmed that the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) will  only fund a specific proposal for a specific site, and so no funding would be made available at this stage. Following this set-back the team then approached another organisation Foundation East, which provides funding to help communities with pre-development projects. The team then looked at whether a conventional planning application could be submitted, following an evaluation of the three sites and subject to support from the village in the form of a public vote. If it can be demonstrated that there is majority public support and a tangible public benefit from the planning application going ahead, Breckland Council can take these as material considerations in deciding whether to grant planning permission. Advantages to this process are that it is an established form of obtaining planning as opposed to the Community Right to Build which is a new process, and people appear to have more faith in this system. The downside of this is that planning could of course be refused and as the site would be outside the LDF the application would have to go to Committee.

Cllr Cook asked if there would be another public meeting, and asked why he had not yet received a copy of the public’s responses to the last questionnaire. Cllr Betts said he would request this information. It was confirmed that any future vote on proposed sites would include an option to vote for none of the sites.

Ann Milner has obtained the services of an accountant free of charge who is putting together a business plan.  The next stage will be to agree the scope of work, draw up fee proposals and carry out the preliminary work of drawing up plans for all three sites.



Planning ref: 3PL/2013/1202/F

Location: 4, Chequers Lane, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr and Mrs J Brierley

Demolition of existing detached garage and erection of new detached garage.

Councillors had no objections to this application.


Planning ref: 3PL/2013/1174/F

Location: The Bungalow, Bow Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr Lee Devlin

Replacement dwelling, C/U of agricultural land to garden & paddock & siting of temporary

static caravan (retrospective)

Councillors had no objections to this application.


Planning ref: 3PL/2013/1152/F

Location: 51, Long Street, Great Ellingham

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Jones

           Single storey living room extension

           Councillors had no objections to this application.


14011. To consider and note correspondence received:






14012. To receive the financial statement of the accounts for the year to date. The Clerk, as Responsible Financial Officer, reported on the current financial state.


     The financial statements, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved.


14013. To approve and agree payment of any invoices received:


Mr D Roberts – Grasscutting - £70.00

Great Ellingham Recreation Centre – Hire of Hall - £207.50

Mrs E Ground – Salary q/e 31/10/13 plus stationery expenses - £404.64

HM Revenue & Customs – PAYE Q3 - £98.09

  The above payments were approved.


14014. To approve the Income and Expenditure Budget for 2014/15. The budget, having been circulated prior to the meeting, was approved.

14015. To agree the precept for the year ended 31 March 2015. The precept was agreed at £7,000 for the year less the unused £576 grant received from Breckland Council in respect of the 2013/14 tax year, making the total precept £6,424.

14016. To discuss the allocation of the Rix Petroleum fuel rebate.  Councillors agreed that the Clerk should include an article in the Ellingham Pump asking local organisations to apply for small grants toward specific projects, as in previous years.

14017. To discuss Councillor training. It was reported that the Chairman of Little Ellingham Parish Council is to attend training with the Norfolk Association of Local Councils to see if this training may be worthwhile, following a recommendation from the Clerk to Rocklands Parish Council. Resolved: Great Ellingham Parish Council to hold off making a decision regarding training until they have heard from Little Ellingham.

14018. To discuss any updates regarding the possibility of merging West Carr with Great Ellingham.  No news had been received.

 14019. To accept matters of information from Councillors.  There was reported to be dog mess in the village. The Clerk to request that the dog warden visit the village.

The Parish Council heard that the proposed new playground for the Recreation Centre is progressing well.

14020. To discuss the Chairman’s urgent business. There was no business under this heading.

14021. To confirm the date of the next meeting as Wednesday 19th February 2014, to be held at the Recreation Centre commencing at 7.30pm.

This was confirmed and the meeting concluded at approximately 9.35pm.


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April 2013 - Annual Parish Meeting



Present:  Cllr Betts (Chair), Councillors Ashe, Cook, Elvin, Getley, Rev’d May, Cllr Mellor and Cllr Simpson. Seven members of the public, the County Councillor Cliff Jordan, and the Clerk to the Council Mrs E Ground were also in attendance.


13001. Welcome and Introduction. The Chairman of the Council, Cllr Tim Betts, opened the meeting at approximately 7.30pm by welcoming both Councillors and parishioners.


13002. Minutes of meeting held on 18 April 2012. The minutes of the previous Annual Parish Meeting, having been circulated prior to the meeting, were approved and signed.


13003. Matters Arising – There were no matters arising.


13004. Chairman’s Annual Report  - The Chairman read out his Annual Report as follows:


I would like to start with a few words of thanks.

First, to the members of this Parish Council who have given up their time and energy not only in attending PC meetings but in performing their various particular offices, which often involve attending other meetings and resolving villagers’ issues.

Second, to Bill Smith, District Councillor, who has attended a majority of the meetings to keep us informed of the various goings on at Breckland Council and offering his support and wisdom which have proved very helpful.

Last but not least, I would like to thank our Clerk, Liz Ground, who has worked tirelessly and most effectively.

Regrettably, Mavis Spencer found the challenge of her busy business life; studying for her PhD and being a Parish Councillor one challenge too many. As a consequence she resigned her position on the PC in March.

During the last 12 months the PC has been consulted on a number of planning applications. In the majority of cases the PC has raised no objections; however, where a development was outside the agreed development area; seemed likely to create a safety issue or impinged too greatly upon a neighbour’s property or outlook, the PC has raised an objection.

In no particular order the PC has achieved the following:



The Leases between the PC & The Ewin family and the PC & the Allotment Society were finally signed and as Christine Arnold reported at the PC meeting last month, the members of the Allotment Society are enjoying this new village amenity.


Diamond Jubilee

Great Ellingham celebrated the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee with great gusto. A range of activities and celebrations were enjoyed throughout the weekend. The GE PC contributed to the festivities by providing an Oak sapling which was planted on Chequer’s Green by the Jubilee King & Queen. A plaque commemorating this was also provided by the PC. I would like to thank Councillor Bob Cook for leading this activity.
The PC also provided commemorative mugs; these were presented to all children below senior school age who live in the village or attend the GE Village School. I would like to thank: Councillor Shane Mellor for procuring the mugs at a suspiciously low price. And Councillor, The Reverend Jan May for presenting the mugs to the pupils at the village school.


New Build Project

The PC continued to support the New Build Project, which it is hoped will result in a new Recreation Centre for the village.

The PC decided, at the January meeting, that it would lead the CRtB process. However, given the reservations as to the feasibility of the project, a step-by-step approach was agreed to be the most sensible course of action.
To date:
Letters were delivered to all householders whose properties were in line-of-sight of two pieces of land upon which, potentially, houses could be built to help finance the New Build project.
I attended a meeting comprising Breckland Council Planning; DCLG; Locality; Savills; Lucas Hickman Smith & Moss-King in March. The conclusion of the meeting was that the project was ‘eminently doable’.
A leaflet was delivered to all households in GE, explaining the New Build project and CRtB. It also heralded a Consultation Session for villagers to ask questions and comment upon CRtB & The New Build Project. This took place earlier today.


Parish Council’s Standing Orders

The PC reviewed and updated its Standing Orders.


Improvements to Village Amenities

A new pavement was created at the Northern end of Chequers Lane to ease the way for schoolchildren; parents and villagers from the Eastern end of the village toward the School and Rec. Centre.


Grants to Village Groups

The PC maintained its policy of supporting Village Groups with the emphasis upon one-off purchases rather than on-going running costs. With the assistance of the Rix Petroleum Consortium fund, the PC assisted: The Brownies; The Under Fives; St James’ Church and the New Build project.


On-going Issues

GE is still plagued by inconsiderate parishioners & visitors who litter & fail to pick up their dog’s mess. The PC has pursued resolutions to these problems continually throughout the year and will continue so to do, with the help of all responsible parishioners who we ask to report such incidents and the help of the Dog Warden who will make frequent visits to the village.

The village has suffered from inconsiderate drivers of tractors and commercial vehicles who mount verges, causing damage and ruts, in order to pass other vehicles, rather than slowing down or stopping. 

Thank you for your attention.


13005.            District Councillor’s Report

In the absence of the District Councillor there was nothing to report.


13006.            County Councillor’s Report

Cllr Jordan reported that it has been a busy year for the Council, trying to make savings where they can. Norfolk County Council want to maintain services at their current level and will be holding further public consultations looking at how services are being delivered in order to help identify further savings. Norfolk County Council have purchased RAF Coltishall in order to help them generate income and help keep Council Tax rates low. This is now the third year that there has not been an increase in council tax and the County Council have promised to keep it at the same rate for next year as well. It was reported that Highways aim to be on top of all the potholes in the area by the end of May, and have now gone back to using a proper bitumen mix to fill them.


13007.            Reports from Village Organisations


Great Ellingham Allotment Society

Chris Arnold, Chairman of the Allotment Society, reported that they have now been on the allotments for just over a year and it has been a steep learning curve for some. Of the 16 plots 10 are let out to Great Ellingham residents, the remaining plots to people in the surrounding villages. There are 4 people on the waiting list. The Allotment Society supported the village show with many allotment holders winning prizes. A bridge has been created across the ditch between the Recreation ground and the allotment site and this is also used by people from the houses on the Watton Road as a safe route to the village. There is now a water supply to the allotment site and three water tanks have been installed.  The allotment holders have made a start on the fence, with marker posts having been installed.  Community policing officers have been out to the site and signs have been installed on sheds warning that equipment has been chipped and can be traced, hopefully this will act as a deterrent. The Allotment Society have been working with the local scout group and hope to create some smaller “salad” plots for people to get a taste of what it’s like to have an allotment. A successful year and a great community atmosphere.


Chit Chat Club

Ann Milner reported that this has been an extremely successful club for all ages and sexes. It takes place every Wednesday at 10am with just £1 charged and numbers are now around 35 per week. The club supports the Recreation Centre through renting the hall and in the past year has raised £327 for Macmillan as well as £500 towards the New Build Fund.  The club is now organising trips and currently has a trip planned to Thursford. This has proved to be a really good venture for the village with a true community spirit.


Breckland Astronomical Society

Anthony Fox Carter reported on the Breckland Astronomical Society which is based at Great Ellingham Observatory.

The Breckland Astronomical Society was founded in 1993 at Hingham, which makes us 20 years old this year. In 1995 we moved to Great Ellingham to take advantage of the dark skies. The Observatory was opened in October 2000 thanks to a massive fund raising effort and the generosity of local companies.

We are now regarded as one of the leading Astronomical Societies in Eastern Region. Membership is around 90 covering a wide age range of all abilities, from complete novices to professional astronomers; we are noted for our friendly welcoming atmosphere.

One of our objectives is “to promote and to advance public education in the science of Astronomy and all branches of scientific research”  we achieve this by:-

Outreach work in schools and a wide range of other organizations.

Group visits to the Observatory

Every 2nd Friday of the month we have an open meeting which features a talk from a guest speaker.

Providing tuition and guidance at all levels.

Affiliating with other groups of Astronomers.

We are a registered charity and affiliated to British Astronomical Association and the Federation of Astronomical Societies.

We take part in the BBC Stargazing Live program every year and other local events, we also hold Star Parties in the Spring and Autumn at a very dark site in Suffolk. In March, this year we held a month long exhibition of our work at the Norwich Art Centre. Next year we will be at the Diss Corn Exchange.

The Observatory has just been awarded the status of a Milky Way class Dark Sky Discovery Site by the Science and Technologies Facilities Council.

The site is so dark that the highest rating has been awarded; this means that light pollution is a major concern to us; particularly security lights. We are not advocating turning lights off, all we want is the right lights in the right places so that we can keep a dark sky. Lights should pointing down and not horizontally, be of low wattage, and turned off when not needed. We can provide advice on suitable lighting if requested.


Great Ellingham Cricket Club

Stephen Drew reported on progress with the Cricket Club to date. Last year the two Sunday teams both finished in their table and they had 5 junior teams, with over 60 junior members. They are now starting to move down in age groups to attract younger members and have now started a group for the under 7’s.

Great Ellingham Cricket Club are now part of the Clubmark Scheme which means they are audited by the English Cricket Board and this will enable them to receive more funding.  New changing facilities will be provided in the form of a portakabin to be sited next to the two containers on the Recreation Centre. This is the third season running that subs and match fees have remained at the same rate. Girls do play alongside boys but there have not, so far, been enough female members to set up a separate team. Great Ellingham Cricket Club members entered the National Indoor Tournament last year and acquitted themselves very well.

Councillors asked if the Cricket Club would like to report their successes in the Ellingham Pump so that all residents are aware.


Great and Little Elllingham Walkers

Cllr Bob Cook who is a member of the group gave a brief talk about this club, which he described as “Chit-chat on legs”. This is a very friendly group, the idea being to walk off just enough weight so that then they can stop for a pub lunch. On a good day they have up to 30 people walking and always find a nice place for lunch. Walks are normally in the region of three to four miles and there is always someone to talk to as you do so.


Village Singers

The Village Singers, based in Great Ellingham, was established by Neville and Tina Moon in 2009.  Whilst based in the village and performing most of its concerts at St James’s Church, the choir has an equal number of members from Rockland St Peter, Rockland All Saints, Little Ellingham and elsewhere in the Breckland area.

Our aim is to provide musical opportunity and entertainment for the local community.  There are no auditions, and we seek to attract members across the broad spectrum of musical ability, whilst also including those who have never sung on an organised basis before but who have a desire to do so and are prepared to work hard and have fun whilst preparing for our concerts.

We perform two main concerts each year, one in the early summer consisting of a variety of music, including show music, popular music of all kinds, arrangements of ‘classics’ as well as folks songs, ‘fun’ songs  – anything that we feel we will enjoy learning and which our audiences will enjoy listening to.   This June we will be performing a concert of music which takes us around the world. Additionally, we do a Christmas concert each December which is a mix of carols, popular Christmas songs, and works by, for example, John Rutter.   We encourage members to take occasional solo roles, and there are plenty of opportunities for the audience to join in at all our concerts.  The choir also appears at other local events by invitation, and additionally has an active social side.

The choir meets at either St James’s Church or Little Ellingham Old School Hall (in the winter) at 7.30 pm on a Tuesday evening.  Subscriptions of £7 per month cover the cost of music, hall and church rehearsal and concert hire, insurance etc.

There are 35 members, and we are currently starting a waiting list.   If you are interested in further details, please contact Tina Moon, on 01953 451463.


John Scase





2012 has been a busy and exciting year for the under fives and although initially struggling with low numbers and not covering rent and heating costs but loathed to increase costs any further for fear of people not coming and after a local advertising campaign in the surrounding villages we now have a very lively and thriving group which is making  a very small profit for the group each week , we have welcomed people from Hingham , Watton, Shropham, Hockham , Attleborough , Scoulton as well as within the village itself and now have a nice little group of about 15 regulars each week whilst always welcoming new people.

We have taken on a few fundraising ideas this year and some have been more successful than others such as a photographer coming in before Christmas , Phoenix cards and Sutton seeds to name a few , we also have some new ideas to try later on in the year.

Grateful donations have been received from the Parish council and the Teddy bear team with which we have been able to purchase new toys to replace old ones and had a visit for our Christmas party from Jo Jingles a music and movement class for preschool age children which was great fun and generated  a lot of laughter and was enjoyed by all as we danced and sung too the Shake your wiggles away the Hokey Cokey and other such songs.

As a group this year we have taken part in the Teddy bear festival and have had a great response from people seeing our little teddies on the green we have also taken part in the Jubilee celebrations helped to decorate the Christmas tree and a few attended the Christmas service a the church .

We are trying to develop closer links with the preschool this year as a lot of prospective parents attend the under fives .

September is always a worrying time for the under fives as we loose children who start school and previously our numbers have dropped so much we have been on the verge of closure which would be a shame as it has been running in the village for over 30 years but hopefully as I said earlier we have a nice little group now with a few new babies and a few parents who already attend that are expecting again so hopefully our numbers shouldn’t drop too dramatically this year.

Overall it has been a good year for the under fives and hopefully it will continue.

Thank you to everyone that attends and to people who have given donations.



St James PCC

St James is nearing the completion of its repair works, which have generally gone well despite the harsh winter conditions. Alterations to the heating system are still to be concluded. A full calendar of Fund raising is needed to meet the costs of works and enable the church to function on a day to day basis and to provide the outreach support services that we currently provide. We have embarked on an ambitious goal of growing all the churches within the benefice through a process called “growing Healthy Churches”, which is a medium to long term process, which we believe will help bring considerable benefits to one and all.

We are very grateful to the Parish Council for their continued financial support especially as regards the upkeep of the churchyard in these straightened financial times, and wish all councillors our support in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities, which is greatly appreciated.

Kindest Regards

From all PCC members of St James.


13008.  Matters of concern to Parishioners

The Parish Council was asked what it could do to help reduce litter in the village. The Great Ellingham Scout Group have a litter picking session to earn their community badge and this should be taking place soon now that the weather is improving. Great Ellingham also has a Litter Warden; however she is only responsible for certain areas, not for the whole parish.


13009.  Date of next meeting– The date of the next annual meeting was confirmed as Wednesday 16 April 2014, to be held at Great Ellingham Recreation Centre at 7.30pm.